
Have you ever been VERY slow to pick up on something?

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Have you ever been so busy looking for something only to find it was right by your side all along?




  1. all the time.. lol my friends will say stuff to me and i wont get it and then when i do get itt.. its too latee..but i dont care coz at least i got what they were talking about at the end of the day..:D

  2. Yep, I sometimes suffer from a kind of panic induced blindness where I think I've lost something but it's right in front of my face.

  3. many a time, and when you finally realise it was there it's gone :( x

  4. Yep..and now we are both married  and it's too late, lol!

  5. yep' my concentration span is not very good,

    my mind is everywhere, except for what I'm looking for

  6. And it happens to you more the older you get.  Or have you ever been holding an object in your hand, the telephone rings, you put the object down, go and answer the phone and when you are finished go and look for the object again and it isn't there?  That is scary.

  7. Yes! I'm generally oblivious to the important things in life. Sometimes I'm looking for something and I'm actually holding it, now that worries me.

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