
Have you ever been a mistress to a married man ?

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If so, did you regret it?

Do you think it was worth it?

Would you do it again?

I was kind of a mistress before. We were just friends in the beginning and I fell in love with him. We ended up getting physical and he distanced himself after the encounter. I felt used and hurt. I really regret putting myself in that position. I am type of a person who can't have any strings attached s*x without wanting more.

However, is till miss him as a friend up to this day .




  1. Hey Sheryl,

    I have never personally been in that situation, but I do understand what you went through. Sometimes you can't help who you fall in love with.

    Please excuse the rude comments earlier as some people just have no manners.

    It is wrong to continue seeing him when he was married, but no one is perfect, and you realize you made a mistake. It makes you a better person to do something wrong and realize afterwards that you made a mistake.

    Good luck to you.  

  2. no..never....i dont want 2 be a homewrecker

  3. You were kind of a mistress ? Either you are or you're not.

    BY your post, this was a one time thing. Forget about it.

  4. yes i have been a mistress no i don't regret it cause i am am now married to him yes i think it was well worth it

  5. That's sweet.  Maybe the wife will drop dead and you'll finally have your chance.  Better still, maybe he'll drop dead and leave the rest of us be.  

    Ladies, please curb your dogs.

  6. I guess you could call it a mistress but I call it a bootycall or friend w/ benefits.  I used to be that girl and no I have never regretted it  I was young and enjoying myself at the time.  I was never found out by the girlfriend and I never got attached.  Getting attached is the biggest mistake that girls make when being the other woman.  I just liked to have good s*x and that was that.  

    I never wanted the girlfriend to find out because that is just wrong so I always made sure I was very discreet with my lovers.  

    Good Question,  it brought back memories.  

    If you were I am not that girl anymore and I have been with my husband for 6 years and yes faithful.  Yeah I like s*x but I don't have to cheat to get it and if I ever feel I have to cheat I will break it off with my husband first.

  7. if you have feelings for someone, you cant help it. i know the feeling.

  8. I respect and love myself too much to put myself in that posistion.

  9. Yes I was a mistress, Yes, I regret, No I do not think it was worth it, and No I would never do it again.  There is way to much stress in this situation and the married person never has the time or freedom that you would want to be with him.  You will never get more out of this relationship.

  10. Yes technically I have.

    I became the best of friends with a married man, and after several months chemistry developed between us. We were falling in love. His marriage was and had been over for almost two years divorce papers were filled out and signed waiting to be filed. He never turned them in because he could not bear the thought of leaving his child or his step children from her first marriage. There was no intimacy (as both would attest to), no love only misery and fighting.

    The chemistry developed between us the only thing he was worried about was his children but when he told me he loved me he said he would not drag this out it was not fair to me, him or anyone else and he had to be committed to the one he loves. He told her (less then a week after he admitted to me he loved me) he was moving out. Her only reply was "when are you moving" he gave her a date to get everything in order and him time to find an apartment. We did have s*x before he officially moved out so yes, I was his "mistress".

    It is not always a suffering wife, male running around looking for a "piece", or a "homewrecker". Sometimes things and feelings happen. Not the way we plan or according to all the rules, but they do and they are right and good. Often when you try to judge what you do not have insight to your wrong and only show yourself a fool.

    Are we together now? Yes. Do I trust him? Completely. Would I do it again? No, neither of us intended on doing it the first time and we have the people we truly love now as he put it"searched all our lives and finally feel like we found it".

  11. Yes, I had a relationship with a married man.  His wife knew.  She was a terrible person.  That does not make what happened right.  They had 3 kids and I worried about them finding out and his family.  He stayed with her until their youngest child was out of school.  I do not have any contact with them.  I do regret it.   It was not worth it, It cost me the love of my life.  No, I would not do it again.  I now have a wonderful husband and I get to see things all over the country.  He drives a truck and Escort.  It has been great.  I'm glad I don't have to worry about everyone finding out.  They all know now.  But I don't have to deal with them.  He does.  I do miss his friendship, but I know that I cannot have any relationship with him.  Good Luck and God Bless.

  12. No, I would never be one. I have too much respect for myself and the other women involved to do that.  I didn't like it when it was done to me, so I definitely would not do it to anyone else.

  13. No, I don't want to be called names like "w***e or homewrecker" and I don't want to hurt another person intentionally.

  14. yes, no, yes, yes

  15. What I don't understand is if you know you can't have s*x without wanting more why in the world would you mess with a married man the odds of it just being s*x is so much greater than a regular relationship. Unless you think you are that good in bed and I'm sorry to say this if you do than you need to wake up there is always someone better than the next person.

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