
Have you ever been abducted by an alien in a UFO?

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Have you ever been abducted by an alien in a UFO?




  1. Of corse! who hasn't been!

  2. Its a sleeping sickness that make a person believe that he is experiencing leprosy and after waking up you will feel as if being kidnapped by an alien.

  3. No, but I have seen alien abductions happen, I have also scared the witness senseless, to insure their silence.

  4. Have`you been`watching`that`ET`                              film`again`Chatty82`

  5. Yes when i was 5. I can't tell anymore cause they are watching

  6. yeah, but, who hasn't been?

  7. No, mostly because I don't live in a remote trailer, I own a camera, have teeth and don't have old appliances in the front lawn.

  8. No, but I was kidnapped once by an ugly woman in a GTI.

  9. I've been abducted.  She took me 'round the world then forced me to marry her......8 Years ago......HELP!!!

  10. That's classified. What's your clearance code?

  11. i have gotten into a car with a girl that looks like an alien

  12. no i don't believe ithere is such a thing

  13. i have seen UFOs,but not been abducted by aliens in an UFO

  14. No.There where no Mexicans in there at all.

  15. yes i was takenby a UFO who went around the solar system  in his spaceship with me and dropped me near my house late in the night

  16. is this a alien test?

  17. Aren't we all aliens? God is just a big alien, Jesus alien, and all of the beings that live here and pay our share of the rent are aliens as well. God, I'm so deep.

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