
Have you ever been able to fly in your dreams?

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I always float.




  1. Often I can jump around like I only weigh as much as a feather.

    Sometimes I float.

    Every once in a while, I fly around.

    One time I flew for miles and miles...just over trees, then higher into was a very spiritual experience that changed my life.

    I tried to recreate it, but you can't force it.

    It seems there is a connection between my ability to fly and how I feel my life is going. If, in my dream, I think about life while flying/floating, I become heavier and come down. Basically, I fly when I feel unburdened...or free.

  2. I have flying dreams all the time.. Once I read the flying dreams and the ability to control your flight is representative of your own personal sense of power.

    Having difficulties staying in flight indicates a lack of power in controlling your own circumstances. You may be struggling to stay aloft and stay on course. Things like power lines, trees, or mountains may further obstruct your flight. These barriers represent a particular obstacle or person who is standing in your way in your waking life.You need to identify who or what is hindering you from moving forward.

    Good Luck!

  3. Yah.. yesterday i dreamed that i'm flying. It's really amazing because it's quite place. But then, i got PISSED OFF BECAUSE OF MY ALARM CLOCK! LOL

  4. I to am a floater.  I am just going to pass on what I have read about this ok?

    The technical term is astroplain (I hope)

    It is very simular to an out of body experience

    but you are always connected to you body in someway. Does any of this sound familiar?

    In my experiences it only happens when I am so stressed out and cant get a break from anything.

    I thought for the longest time I was actually trying to find the mind that I lost.

    It also is something that I cannot control like when or where I am when it happens.

    I have alway thought it was a way to escape if not for a few seconds.

    When I can't admit I have had enough or reached my limit my body takes care of itself,

    like self-preservation.

  5. yes, but I used to do it with frog-like swimming motions. And just as I started to answer this, I immediately remembered that within the past week I had a flying dream, but I was using my arms more like a bird.  

    I consulted my little dream book and it says that dreams of floating "may represent current feelings of optimism and success"  

    I've also heard that fllying represents independence, overcoming obstacles, and sometimes escape.  

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