
Have you ever been afraid to answer a troll's question?

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Have you ever been afraid to answer a troll's question because they are so clever at tricking you into giving an answer that makes you look like a fool?




  1. no. i do somtimes get so riled that i type out a long email speaking my mind, but i always end up deleting it.

    i just dont understand the mindset of these clearly immature people.


  2. I do answer questions set by Trolls, but one must be careful as they can bait you into getting a violation, and never let them add you to their favourites as they can infiltrate your Q&A's and get you a violation, even months after you have answered a question...

    In Light... )O(  

  3. Who's that clip clopping over MY Bridge!!!


  4. Absolutely.

  5. Yes, I fear that every day. It's my first fear in the morning and my last fear when I close my eyes at bedtime. d**n those trolls!!!

  6. Every time I cross a bridge, I say to myself "Self, that cunning troll is going to try to make you look like an imbecile, don't let them!" And I warily cross, shaking with my fear of looking like a ignoramus, until alas, I realize I've been hoodwinked, I already answered that crafty trolls question on yahoo answers and yes I do look like a fool. Cursed Troll! I prefer leprechauns, at least you can trick them with shiny objects. You Dr. Bottom Contributor IV are a troll, props to you

  7. No I love to try and baffle people with my stupidity!  

  8. Actually, I have found that trolls aren't very clever in my part of the country. For the most part, the trolls I run into ask riddles from elementary school. Nothing to be afraid of.

  9. I've never been afraid to answer a troll's questions. See I answered yours :)

  10. I would never talk to a troll. The mythology of the troll will depend on which part of the world you live in and which story you were bought up with.

    Tolls were large or small ugly creatures which are in the same category as elves, dwarfs and monsters. They lived in caves because sunlight would do them harm. They were evil and men feared them for they were known to eat human flesh, they were more fond of babies, small children and women, they consider this group of people more vulnerable.

    To ward of trolls and keep yourself safe from them you need to keep mistletoe and byre in your home or yard.

    I hope that helped you some.

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