
Have you ever been arrested or and if not how did you get away with it?, please leave halos and wings outside?

by  |  earlier

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Daisy thank you for your honesty , I always suspected you were a common chav ,, only joking,, lol




  1. Yes in 1994 in Illinois for .... I was at top speed with my car.

  2. very nearly.........

    under-age drinking, caught red-handed in the Pub with a pint-glass in my hand

    & when a large WPC tells you " stand still "

    You run like the wind.  

    Knowing d**n well the tub-of-lard will never keep up.....

    & true to form she gave up after 100 yards!

    the disadvantages of the clinically obese, huh?

    Nutsters-Chick 1

    Obese WPC 0

    I know I'm a naughty naughty girl.

    I hold my hands up.

    bad bad bad bad bad.

    Hee hee hee.

  3. yes and got 2 years prob

  4. yes i was at 18 for disorderly conduct in a bar. lol

    live and learn

  5. Yes and cautioned.

    Quite a few years ago now.

    The offence was that I was parking my moped wrongly (yes a moped .. poor student).

    My moped was parked as part of a parking bay, there were approx 20 motorcycles parked on the pavement illegally with the attendant riders generally standing around.

    An Officer of the Law, demanded that I move my moped so that a car could use the space. I refused due to the fact that I felt I was parking legally, I was paying the required parking charge, and I was driving a fully taxed and insured road vehicle.

    When I refused to move the moped, the officer informed me that I would be arrested, I pointed out the illegally parked motor bikes, I also pointed out that some of the drivers appeared to be drinking (not then an offence, although unwise).

    The Officer then cautioned me, luckily I had a camera, and proceeded to take photo's.

    The officer said that if I didn't stop then I would be resisting arrest and he would have to phone for back up.

    I burst out laughing, told him that he was the biggest fool that I had ever met, took a photo of him for the papers, and asked him which newspaper he would like this story in, and stated 'please carry on with the arrest and I looked forward to seeing him in court''.

    He then demanded the camera off me; I said that that was evidence and if he touched me then it would be assault.

    The upshot was, I had a complete appology from the Police.

    The Copper was a ''Rookie Woodentop''.

    The motorcycle riders were splitting their sides laughing throughout.

    Good witnesses though.

    My faith in the Police has never been very good since, I saw this as an attempt at an easy knick for numbers sake.

    Now-a-days of course, I would have to be actually burying the Policeman alive before I would gain his attention.

  6. Erm yeah :(

    When my real life stalker was at his most active earlier this year he got me nicked for assault. He had a scratch on his finger, and said I did it.

    I didn't. If I was gonna assault him, I woud have done it properly :)

    I was locked in a cell for 4 hours like a proper criminal, had me DNA taken and fingerprints and then after interview I was let off without charge.

  7. Gee, no... never been arrested.  And I hope I never will.

  8. I've never been arrested.  I am a little angel really!!!

  9. No, i'm a good girl...  :)

    (((Smiles as I polish my Halo)))  lol

  10. Never been arrested.  I guess I just never was caught.  I did some stupid stuff when I was in college that would have got me arrested if they did manage to catch me.  

    I saw the inside of a court room once when I was 16.  I was going 80mph (I was slowing down) in a 40 zone, I had been going over 120mph.  I lost my license for 2 months over that one.  I haven't had any tickets since.

  11. Not yet - I'm a good girl, I am.

    But you never know what tomorrow might bring ...

  12. Yes, more than once, got 3 months DC & 2 years probation for hashish, 3 mg, that's smaller than a grain of rice, they were pretty strict in the 60's.

  13. yup, many times, lol,  mostly for fighting,  unlike most people and there useless cop calling ways,  i take care of business on my own,  and will never stop,  all though i do choose my fights a bit more carefully,  o ya, and for Marijuana a couple times, that sucks getting arrested for a plant that comes from seeds,  i sure hope they don't make apples illegal,  my whole family would be ******

  14. yeahh i have. i robbed(nt one of my proud moments) i wouldnt du it again. n a got arrestd for frowing  party

  15. I can't really remember how old I was, maybe 12 or 13. But I was in the mall with my mom, and I decided to steal some jewelry. Needless to say, I got caught, and taken back into their holding room. No charges were pressed, but my mom was really upset with me. I have never tried to steal again. It was a very scary thing.

  16. By always keeping a low profile, I avoided arrest.  I had my smoke delivered (personal use, only), and the deliverer was never arrested, either.  No traffic in and out of his house, I'll tell ya.  Smart.

  17. No thank goodness-thought I was going to be when the breathalyser didn't work on four attempt-was not drinking lol

    I was doing 38 in a 30 mph zone! got the giggles so they breathalysed me lol-was not drinking

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