
Have you ever been bitten by a small animal?

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Please describe the experience.




  1. Yes, i was bit by a wild mole-rat once. I was like 10 years old and i was scared and thought i may have rabies, lol. It made me bleed and then it sprayed this horrible sour smell. lol, i dont think I'll ever forget that. lol.

  2. Ok, I'll just start the list, rat, mouse, ferret, girbil, teddy bear hampster, cats dogs, but the one that hurt the most.. was a swan. I don't know why but my parents were raising geese and ducks and some swans and of course the swans were mean but I was little and wanted to play with them. One hissed and bit me because I must have been near her babies. She was mean, I think I should have kicked her... but I just ran to my dad and cried. haha

  3. i have been bitten my a ferret. It is not that bad at all but once it gets a really good grip on ya in a good spot, like the skin were your aposable thumbs are, the it kills I was also bit my a chinchilla and it does not hurt a all. It is like a little nibble. I was also bit by a snake if your think that counts. It didnt hurt at all, it didn't even hurt as much as a shot, it is just startling when it snaps at ya. i hoped i helped. Good luck.

  4. i have rabbits. and when the mother rabbit was about to give birth i stuck my hand in her cage to fix her bowl and she latched on to my hand and took a nip out of it.. ( i did not even no she was pregnant & and i didn't even no she was about to give birth,, i found out the next morning when i woke up and nine babies were in her cage!!!).

  5. I got bit by a squirrel lol,  he fell in my pool and i pulled him out and dried him off but when i put him down so he could run off i left him for 10 min and he didnt move so i picked him up again and petted him for a lil bit and went to put him in a tree and he freaked and bit me but then ran up the tree

  6. Mhm. Many times. :]

    I got bit by my guinea pig so many times, I can't even count, it didn't really hurt, it just felt like a pinch.

    A hamster bit me once, that didn't hurt at all.

    I had a rabbit chomp into my arm, that hurt a bit.

    A gerbil bit me.

    A rat bit me, I freaked out, but it didn't hurt.

    My friend's mouse bit me, that reallyd idnt' feel like anything.

  7. Nope.. only insects.

    sorry wish i could help though.

    have you been bitten by a small animal?

  8. I had a really mean rabbit and when I was feeding him he latched on to my arm so hard that when I pulled my arm out of the cage he came out to. I got a huge bruise and it bled some. Lets just say he didn't get any food that day.

  9. California ground squirrel.  The animal had been hit by a car.  I picked it up bare-handed (bad idea) and carried it 5 blocks to my home.  It bit my thumb..... but didn't do much damage.  The squirrel was too stressed from being hit that it didn't have too much bite strength.  Luckily, squirrels don't carry/transmit rabies or other common diseases.  However, they are common flea carriers and fleas are known to carry hanta and the plague.  The bite was a week ago and I'm not howling at the moon and don't have blood seeping out of my eyes and ears so I think I'll live.

    .......  and the squirrel is recovering at the local branch of Wildlife Rescue in San Diego.....

  10. hamster, not too bad

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