
Have you ever been bulled?

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Have you ever been bulled?




  1. Ive been bullied most of my life. My answer to it, was to lift weights. I didn't do anything about being bullied, besides lifting weights. After about two years, I became bigger and stronger and the results were obvious, and without being confrontational at all, the bullying stopped. My whole life, I havent gotten into one fight, which when I was in elementary, I planned on doing it alot if the bullying didn't stop. If I had to give you any advice at all, I would mention to stop setting, and start lifting.

  2. Yes, until I stopped following the turn the other cheek rule and started hitting back.

    I would line up witnesses and make the bully  face the music in an official way. That usually produced another attack in secret, but I had no plan to let that succeed. I discovered that with surprise on my side I could beat the bully so badly they would not try that again.

    The initial approach of getting witnesses and taking the matter to  authorities was necessary to force the bully to simply take the lumps, knowing that it would be them who would be seen as instigator.

    There are always opportunities for a bully to buly people in secret, so we have to make it very uncomfortable for them. But even if they beat us, we have to gang up on them, make sure they learn the lesson that they can not bully large numbers. (Same as putting them in prison, but this way they don't learn from fellow inmates.)

  3. no im not a p***y

  4. I have been bullied all my life!!

    I realised th only reason they bullied me was because they were jealous of ME!!

    When i realised this I became super confildent and i stood up to them and the bullying stopped!!!!

    If you are being bullied, you could take yourself in a psitive view and build your confildence, then tyrn the tables on the bullies and your bullying problem evaporates

  5. No, have you.  I guess from the question maybe you are getting bullied, so sorry.  The problem with bullies is they run in packs.  If it was just one person, one on one, it would be easier to deal with.  If you can deal with it fine let it continue and maybe it will pass.  But if it is affecting you at school and your grades maybe you should talk to your parents.  Do you have a brother to talk to?  I know when adults step in it sometimes makes things complicated, but if that's what it takes do it.  If you walk alone, and get bullied change your routine.  I believe bullies have no self-confidence and that is why they bully.

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