
Have you ever been bummed?

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Due for AF tomorrow, thought I'd take a hpt and got a bfn this afternoon! Kind of bummed out. It's such a waiting game...wait until u get close to ovulation then the tww then wait for af or the bfp...AAAAHHHH! This was my first month ttc and it is disappointing!




  1. Yeah. I've gotten bummed! It's frustrating and very normal.

    It's still not TOO late for a BFP. Hopefully you get yours soon.

    ~*Baby Dust*~

  2. i go this same thing every month only to be disappointed, i have two kids already but i want one more, and i have been trying for 4 years now, so don't feel bad, you're not alone. look on the bright side, we can have fun trying :)

  3. I'm MORE than bummed every month AF shows her ugly face.

    I'm so used to seeing BFNs, then experiencing AF shortly after. I'm more bitter & angry about it now than just bummed.  I'd give absolutely anything to see that ever elusive BFP.



    I'm so frustrated & hopeless I don't even think it's worth trying anymore. It just never happens.

    Hopefully you'll be different.

  4. We have been trying for over a year now, ever since we were certain last year that I was pregnant but wasn't.  I am now on Clomid, but this is my last month and then will go to a fertility specialist.  I have been VERY bummed the past few months because I had high hopes for the CLomid.  Every BFN is a heartbreak for me. I am 39 and just want one more child (I have 3, my husband has none of his own).  It is very disappointing but we just keep trying and hope for next month!!  Keep trying!!!

  5. Yes, I'm so bummed out by it that I've stopped testing completely. Lucky for me, AF always shows up on time, with a few days of spotting beforehand, so I know she's coming. I wonder what I'll do if I get through to AF+1. That's when I'll drag out all those tests I guess!

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