
Have you ever been burgled?

by  |  earlier

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My flat mates and I were once, they were creepers, we were all there asleep as they took what they wanted from our rooms, they took one guy's car keys to carry the loot in, wallets etc and just drive off in it.




  1. first off there is no such thing as being burgled. it is burglarized.i doubt you are the age you state here. you sound like a kid wanting to see his name in writing.this clearly sounds like a kid.if you are not using the language of a kid then why did not even know the correct spelling of a simple word.yes you are a young kid who thinks writing in these forum makes  them not be a kid.

    ----------retired texas deputy sheriff----------

  2. not in my house but i got robed down the street from my house when I was a kid  

  3. No (thank god), but my neighbor was and I was the one to discover it and contact the police.  

  4. yes. i was staying at a friends apt. and we were both out late. i finally got home at 4am ish and little by little started noticing things out of place, and some things missing, but i figured my friend had been by and was prob drunk like me ran in took what he needed and ran out again, but not everything could be explained by that. finally i went to the back door and the glass was smashed so i called the cops took my knife out and went about making sure he was gone which he was. the cops came and went leaving me with little hope for justice and by this time i was mad, my friend came to talk to the cops and went back to his gf's house. Lucky for me this was a small college town that I am quite familiar with, so..mad as i was i took a shower, sobered up and made a list of things taken while waiting for the stores to open, All the guy got was some dvds, some electronics, and a penny bank. Well there are only about a dozen shops in the town that would buy any of that mostly pawn shops. The guy could've sold the stuff to a person or driven 15min to the next town but i was betting he wasnt even smart enough for that, so after passing the list out to all the stores i get a call at 2pm to come identify my stuff, then they went and picked the guy up since they now knew his identity. I never followed up on it but i think he got a harsh sentence since it was MS and his second strike. The detective said the thought he was behind a string of similar break ins. And thats my crime fighting story.

  5. Oh my gosh.  the same happened to my husband and I just last year.  We were sleeping too.  They actually came in our house, stole all my meds and then had the audacity to go on and try to fill my meds.  I got calls from area pharmacies asking why I wanted to refill these scripts.  then I got a call from my doctor asking the same.  I called the police and had a report done.  Then I had to bring all of that to the area pharm. and one pharmacy called me to tell me that they were going to tell that person the meds were ready and when they got there the cops were there to apprehend them.  How much nerve that takes to go inot someone's home when they are sleeping and steal.  This was in broad daylight and were decided to take a nap.  Something we don't usually do.  So I know what you're going through

    PS. I just read Charleseye's comment, I agree with you.  Don't you doubt he was ever a deputy sheriff?  Ha.Guess he wants his name on here too.  Grow up Mr. deputy Sheriff.

  6. Yes, my house. I was away on vacation & they took the TV, jewelry & other stuff. What's worse-they came back a few weeks later, smashing in the front to & took some heirlooms.

    Believe it or not the police caught them. Teenagers with drug habits. Their parents pleaded for leniency & got custody, but I was still out all my losses.

  7. no

  8. 4 times....the last time I didn't bother calling the would have been a waste of time...they have better things to writing tickets for having an air freshener on your rear view mirror.

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