
Have you ever been camping? ?

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  1. I've been camping for the last 40 odd years Jo....both as a Brownie, Girl Guide and the last 25 years a Scout and Beaver Scout Leader....and I still get up early to put a full face of slap on !!!!

  2. Yes in PA, NJ, CT.  

  3. It's In-TENTS

  4. yes! i love being outside and fishing or out on a boat, and definetly sleeping under the stars and making marshmallows..there is nothing better...i LOVE to go camping and be with friends and family  

  5. yes, it was really fun except for the SPIDERS!!! and BUGGIES!!!


    I'm terrified of bugs!

    but the roasting the marsh mellows is the BEST part!!!!

  6. Yes, I love to go camping....haven't been for awhile but, lots of great memories. My favorite time to go is in the Fall when it's a bit cooler & you can sit by the fire at night & look at the stars.

  7. Yes! I love camping even more than Y!A. It's what I live for. I first fell in love with camping when I lived in Alaska and went to "Denali National Park". Now my favorite place to camp is "Rocky Mountain National Park" in Colorado. The "Wild Basin" area is really beautiful.

  8. I went to Stoneleigh in 92,i enjoyed camping for the week there. Love you sweetie pie.  

  9. Yes I have been camping since I was a youngster.

    Now I have graduated up to a motorcycle pop up camper with a king size bed.

    No more sleeping on the ground for us!

  10. My parents were Gypsies, so I spent my entire childhood camping.

  11. Yes, in Atlanta...there are really nice expeditions near there....

  12. YES I went a few times this summer and I have been going since I was a kid.

  13. I have never had a true camping experience....although I have slept in a tent in our field at our summer home countless times.

  14. no but i think it would be fun

  15. I have done about 2 or 3 hundred miles of Backpacking.

    Around half, with and without a tent mostly in the Desolation Wilderness Area CA. and Yosemite. Around 120 miles at Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico in two treks.

    Several backpacks were at night, and on one I was completely alone 30 miles from any roads, for around 5 to 8miles.

    Loved It all!

    I have a Outdoor Activities page at (see below)

  16. Yes! We used to go all the time but we haven't in a long time! I miss it! The most beautiful place I ever camped was on an island in the middle of Lake George!

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