
Have you ever been caught in a moment of intimate love-making by your children?

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Was that also when you finally had 'that' discussion about the birds and the bees? Had that happen when my daughter was six (she is nine now).




  1. it seems to happen to the majority of us. And the rule of thumb is, only answer what is asked, and no more.

        As the get older they start to ask a little here and there as questions enter their mind about s*x,  now a days the idea of s*x is coming from every angle, what the see on the street of teenagers, tv, computer, books and magazines, billboard adds,  what other kids say, what the see in other homes.  When she is near age to start her period, when she starts getting interested in boys, you'll know it's time to talk with her, you know her better than anyone so it's really up to you to decide.

  2. I've Heard My Mum And Dad "Love-Making". I Just Bang On The Wall And Start Screaming Shut The Door!!!! But Our Landing Is All An Open Landing & My Mum Likes Us Sleeping With Our Doors Open Incase Of Fire And Stuff.  Me And My Friends Were Talking About It On Her Trampoline At About 10pm, While We Were Talking About The Birds And Bee's And Stuff. We Were Saying Its Embarassing But There Will Be A Day When We'll Do It & Their Kids Will So... Lol

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