
Have you ever been contacted by a loved one who has died?

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I used to completely believe in the afterlife but now I don't know anymore. My mom (who is dead) never left me any signs or anything to prove that she is still here. So if you have, please share your experiences. Thanks.




  1. No, i have never been contacted...

  2. Yes, my favorite aunt.  We were very close to eachother, but since I have moved out of the state, I don't feel her with me anymore.

    I can only hope she went to the light & is at peace now.

  3. Have you? If yes, kindly give details so that I may convince you that you dreamt and not actually experienced it.

  4. whenever you think of your mom it is because she is thinking of you.  Those are the signs be open to them and you will see your mom everywhere.

  5. Yes, my great gran, she came to me a few days after she died, both my parents are dead, l dream of them often, sometimes l see a lot of other people with them, l seem to know them all, strange eh ! I have never seen them but l feel them around me, some times l feel someone stroking my hair, especially when l am driving, l get great comfort from it You likely have signs, but do not recognize them as yet, your mom will still visit you, don't worry, there is an afterlife for sure, l work in a nursing home and have nursed many many folk, l have held their hands when they die, even held some in my arms, believe me there is an afterlife !!!

    Have some peace my friend

  6. First I want to say I'm sorry for your loss. If you ever dream about your Mom, and it's like she is still alive or like it is a memory; or smell her perfume or a scent that reminds you of her that is a way of communicating. Any other signs to prove she is still here wouldn't be a good thing. She has crossed over which is what is supposed to happen. She can still communicate with you it's just not in the way they show it on TV.

  7. well my mom die and she never let me anything

  8. The death of my mother also started my thought processes on the subject.  I do not think that we exist after death.  We die and become part of the earth again through decay or cremation.  In the mean time my father and sister died as well and I still have no reason to believe that an afterlife is a possibility.

  9. Don't get involved in such kinky things which are just mumbo jumbo and nothing more.If you couldn't communicate with your mother as you should have while she was alive,what use it would be when she is no more?Remember her in your prayers and thank her for being kind to you.

  10. Sorry to hear about your loss. nope I havent, and if you dont feel the need to believe in an afterlife, well its your life. Many people have had their faiths tested by a death. But death is a part of every day life and each of us cant escape that fact. I personally would not want my dad dropping in. It was bad enough when I was a kid not having any privacy, but having them as ghosts dropping in? that could prove mighty touchy.

    EDIT : where the heck did all the people come from? One second your in virtual reality waste land alone, all of a sudden its like grand central station.

  11. Yes.  When my mother passed away I was mad at her for being so horrible to me during my childhood.  A few years later she came to me and told me it was okay.  She was joyous, and understood why I was mad at her, and wanted to comfort me and let me know that everything between us was okay.

  12. yes. but you have to be open to it.

  13. No

  14. Well that does not prove there is not an after life. maybe you mother lived her life so full and happy that she does not have any unfinished here. Maybe she just felt you all would know that and felt no need to contact you.

    Belief in the after life is related to religion. yes ghosts are real but not everyone see or hears one. Not everyone who passes on hangs around.

    We cannot really prove ghosts are real if we could we would have done it a long time ago. Just take heart in knowing she still loves you and thinks about you. Ghost can communicate through our dreams and if you dream about her that may be the contact you are waiting for. she will always be with you in your heart so take comfort in that.

    I know I did not offer much of an answer but just know she lives in your heart.


  15. Never happened to me, but from what I have learned from other is that before you go to bed, say some sort of prayer for her, then ask her to visit you in your dreams.  It works for me friend who lost her dad!

    Good luck.

  16. not possible.....................

  17. Honey if you go looking for signs constantly you will overlook the sign that is right in front of you I lost a 16 year old child I kept on looking for sign in everything I touched and done then one day out of the blue I found a note he wrote me when he was only 4 years old I found it in a place where it was impossible to have been and my husband who is a very big non believer in life after death looked At me when I found it and said Austin the same time I thought it so I believe if you wont look so hard your will see something  God bless you and I hope you have peace and Good luck through the holidays they are the hardest.

  18. well not really ............... but a close friend of mine experienced such a thing last month , just a few days after his beloved grandma died.......... she was extremely attached to her grandma & she died of cancer last month........ her grandma used to love 'Good day' biscuits........... so my friend , in her memory, would always bring a packet of ' Good day' biscuits & keep it in their open balcony , without fail......... well the strange part was tht every morning when my friend would come to the balcony just to inspect, the packet of biscuits would b empty..... this went on for a couple of days........ then one night , she decided to see it for herself as to who was having the biscuits.......... she did just the same & was completely stunned to see her 'dead' grandma relishing the biscuits.................. she got a shock of her life when her grandma looked back her & gave her a mysterious smile.......... well ther's a possibility tht , maybe, she was hallucinating........... but not sure whether it's really a psychological effect...........

  19. Put your question in again and look down at "similar questions asked". You'll find a lot of experiences there. If you can't get it with your question...rewrite you question and include the word paranormal or the word ghost in it. Hope you can find some answers there. I don't know why it happens to some people and not to others.It seems like some people don't hear from them unless they go through a medium. But then, maybe we just don't know how to "listen" or "look". Maybe they're there but we just don't know what to listen for or look for. I'm  sorry your mom died. Hope you don't grieve too long. Maybe she just wants you to go on with your life and be happy.

  20. "You have to be open to it" means you have to *want* it to happen bad enough.  If you want it to happen badly enough then you will alter your perception of things around you to such a degree that anything could be seen as a sign from your deceased mother.  This is really all that happens--people take note of something random and assign special meaning to it.  The fact that you aren't noticing anything and that you are objective enough to acknowledge this (rather than continue pretending) shows you are choosing to live in a real rather than magical world.

  21. yeah. One of the greatest blessings of being spiritually gifted is that I've been able to speak with loved ones I didn't get to say goodbye too. My father had had a bad heart for years, and he'd been in the hospital, very sick, for weeks, and nobody told me (my parents are divorced and remarried to other people) until he'd died. Well, when I went out for his funeral, I was laying in my half-brother's bedroom when I saw my father's face flash on the other side of the bed and distinctly felt his presence in the room, strong as life.

    More recently, I've heard him say hello (I can't see spirits, but I can hear them); he was standing right in front of me as I was seated at the kitchen table.

    Before I realized that I was also gifted, I had a psychic tell me that our deceased cat was still with us. MOre recently, I've felt Bentley laying with me in bed, have even felt him purring and heard him meow.

    I know my grandfather's been around, but I never got to talk to him, he visited before I'd developed the ability to hear them, but I knew it was him. He comes with a quiet presence.

    email me your name and birthdate and the name of your mother and I may be able to tell you if she's still around you. More likely than not though, she is; the bonds don't die just because the body does. The heart does indeed go on: "the true heart lives within the soul" is what i just heard from one of my spirit guides.

  22. I don't go to anyone but I do see ghost when it  is really dark in the house. And sometimes when I am outside I see like my aunt walking past and crazy **** like that.

  23. when my father died, he came to my dream, it was about 15-20 days after he had died.  I was praying for him every night.  My dream was so vivid.  He did not talk to me at all, but I understood what he was telling trying to tell me.  I definetly know that it was not JUST A DREAM, or just my unconscious thoughts, because he was wearing a hat that I had never seen him wear before and the jacket that he was wearing I had no idea about.  But later when I discussed it with my mom, I found out that the jacket was the same jacket that I found out in his closet that my mother had hand made for him.  I also found the hat he was wearing in his closet.  He appeared in my dream and there were a big crowed around.  And I kept screaming "dad, dad" and everyone around me kept telling me that my dad is dead, who are you talking to, but he was there and gave me a message.  That was the only time I ever saw my father in my dream, but i know that he is OK and he gave me the sign that I was waiting for.  So, I just think that you should be patient and be open to these kind of things.  Your mother will come to you in the form of a dream eventually.

  24. yup virtual u can do any time ... but scinticaly it not possible or ..

  25. sorry to hear bout that,i believe that she is with you in your heart.have you ever smell something that reminded you of her?just because she dont move thing or all that stuff you see on t.v. dont mean she isnt with mothers best friend die and one night i woke up to him saying to me tell her tell her. irun to my mom crying and told her but i told her what i saw.i didnt she him as i knew him i seen him as a young boy.after i told her that she told me that was him as a boy not a man,long story short.i go to church  and keep hearing voices in my head.on this on day at church something came over me .i can only explain it as hate  something was in side me talking and it was not me.i black out and woke up to my pator alot of elders around me talking in toungs.i throw up green stuff and then tell ask GOD to bless me.after about 2 hours a woman came in to talk to me and i told her what was going on,she ask'd if i ever seen a phycic? I had over and over,she explain 2 me that is a gate way for eneitees to get in was not dean .i guess when i black out i kept saying i was sara steve,not me no where close to my name...ever since then nothing in my head.Jesus knows your pain and will help you .you rmom loves you and is just waitng for you WHEN IT IS TIME. if you need omeone to talkto i will help you. May God Bless you and your family.

  26. Several years ago I had an unusual experience concerning an uncle, a distant relative who lived over a thousand miles away.

    While driving my car I suddenly felt the unmistakable presence of this relative that I hardly even knew. He was more like someone I had heard about than someone I knew. It was very strange; it felt as though I was momentarily lifted right out of my physical body. I seemed to be suspended somehow beyond space and time, bathed in a love so intense It felt like I could have just disappear into it at any moment if It would have let me. It only lasted for a few seconds, but it seemed to last forever at the same time. I realize how crazy this must sound. The experience was so strong that at first I was afraid I was loosing my grip on reality. I finally managed to chalk it up to an over active imagination.

    Three days later I got a call from my aunt telling me that this uncle we are talking about had gone into a coma and died the day I had the experience. It felt like ice water had been poured down my back when she told me this. I had lost any real ideas of God or faith and had become somewhat of an atheist. Needless to say this experience caused me to rethink some of the conclusions I had come to.

    I feel blessed to now understand that even in our darkest confusion something loves us so much that it went out of its way to assist me and bring me back to a state of absolute certainty about Gods love for us.

    During the experience it seemed like there was a vast amount of information that I was somehow allowed access to. One thing that I came away from this experience understanding beyond any shadow of a doubt was that any Idea that God is unhappy with us or would judge or allow us to be punished for any reason is simply impossible.

    I can’t explain the love I felt with words. They simply don’t make words big enough or complete enough to do this. The only way I can begin to convey this love to you is to say that there was simply nothing else there. Nothing but love. No hint of judgment, no displeasure of any sort. It is as though God sees us as being as perfect as we were the day we were created. It is only in our confused idea of ourselves that we seem to have changed.

    I hope this is of some help to you. Good luck. Love and blessings.

    Your brother don

  27. don't be mean u guys she just wants some answers itll make her sad be nice!!

    i personally haven't but i feel as though it could happen, say once i saw a perrson who looked  exactly like my grandpa but i knew he was dead .....sob......i dunno weird

  28. No. never

  29. Yes, but not in the way I think you are looking to find evidence of happening.

    In my situation, a close relative died on Christmas eve. A few days later, I get a card in the mail, which she had mailed a few minutes before she died.

  30. Yes I have and it happen several times already, My beautiful Grandmother died 6 years ago and the day she died I was alone in my room and I saw her walking towards me, I tough it was just a illusion but then I received the phone call telling me that she die,many times after that incident If for any reason I start to think about her something happen in the room either the blinds on the window move or i smell her perfume all aver the room,I know she still with me and I love it.

  31. My grand mother on the night she died.  My mother in law when she died kept hitting me with stuff.

    Just because she didn't contact you only means she was at peace when died.  She probably felt that you were ok.

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