
Have you ever been diagnosed with Bi-Polar Disorder but don't have it?

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Have you ever been diagnosed with Bi-Polar Disorder but don't have it?




  1. My boyfriend was diagnosed with bipolar two when he was put on disability for ulcers. He definatly doesnt have it and found it rather amusing. They tried to make him take pills but he wouldnt.

  2. I was diagnosed with it last year and i always tell myself that I'm fine and there is nothing wrong, but i know i have it everyone around me can tell i have it i just hate admitting to it

  3. No, I've been diagnosed and have it. You should seriously check into this disorder before you decide you don't have it. If a psychiatrist says you do have it, ask them to tell you why they feel you do. Get on the net and research yourself. Sometimes you can have a mild form, or just beleive you are having mood swings, but this disorder is progressive, it will only get worse if it is left untreated. Most untreated bipolar people will committ suicide. Just be safe when saying you don't have it..Hope I helped!

  4. If you have been diagnosed with bipolar 1, then the doctor saw enough symptoms for it to be really bipolar 1.

    If you have been diagnosed with bipolar 2, then there could be a chance you don't have it because it could be other things like a mixture of depression and adhd, or just normal mood swings going overboard sometimes, etc. Sometimes it can also be a personality disorder such as borderline personality disorder.

  5. - nope, but i was diagnosed with schyzophrenia and i dont have it.

    - S**T TH* F*C* ** !!!!

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