
Have you ever been disappointed with your child's teacher?

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What did you do about it?




  1. My kids have had a couple teachers who I thought walked on water, some good but not amazing teachers, and a couple teachers who I thought were very disappointing.  

    When I've had some useful, polite, constructive criticism, I've offered it.  In cases where the problem was the teacher's whole personality and teaching style and I really didn't have anything specific or constructive to say (and just wished my kid could get out of their class) I chose not to say anything but to coach my kid on how to deal with difficult people, and supplement what they were learning (or not) at school through games and other fun activities.  

    Obviously if there were a huge problem I would go to the principal about it, but I would reserve that for something more than "disappointment" with a teacher.

  2. welll actully it was the school. everytime my cousin gets in trouble the whole school knows about it and he gets in my other cousin is getting hurt by this one little boy and the school wont do anything about grandma is going to take care of it soon.

  3. My dad is really annoyed with most of the teachers at my school because they're lazy. Which is kind of annoying because the only reason we moved here is because of the schools so...

  4. My daughter's kindergarten teacher yells. My daughter was frightened by her. She did not want to tell me straight because she knew I want her to be in school. So, in the morning she would tell me she had stomach ache can cannot go to school. She missed school many days. I took her to doctors many times and we even went to see a specialist. The more we talked, the clearer I see that it is not the stomach problem.

    I told the principle about it. The teacher got embarrassed and yelled even more and started to pick on my daughter. She would went straight to my daughter and said to her, "Why don't you say good morning to me?" One day she squeezed her hand really hard. That was my last straw.

    I asked the principle to move to another classroom. He was not happy about it. I told him that if he does not move her I will keep her at home. He said do not ask me again next year. I told him how can I promise you that. If your teacher harrass my child, I will not tolerate that.

    The ironic thing is I bought this house that is in the highest price range I could afford to go to this school. And this is the first teacher my daughter got!

    Well, after she is moved to another classroom she never complained about stomach ache again. She is just like different child, love going to school.

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