
Have you ever been discriminated against because of your education?

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I had been on at a school where a teacher received a raise because of her master's degree. Other teachers thought it was wrong and began to shun her. Its always been the one was ever concerned until they saw it in action.

I also watched as an administrative secretary get into it with her because she was using different techniques for her classes. They were effective .. none of the other teachers that employ different learning/educational styles were addressed .. just her.

I didn't usually care about interoffice relationships.. but this is just down right wrong.. is this something that is common or just an anomaly?




  1. Yep spmetimes my neighbors think it is weird if you go to a private school.  They think that we think we are better than them but we dont.  We just view them as nice kids in our neighborhood.

  2. At the school where I teach ALL people who apply for a teaching job must be accredited by the state and MUST have their Master's of Ed. Some see it as ridiculous but our lawmakers really want a great education program for the state.

  3. There are not many Master degreed folks in my school. The district has trouble retaining them. They move on for higher pay, or better treatment...etc.

    When I student taught at a charter school there were issues like this...

    It was petty...its worse now that performance is factor.. everyone has their opinions. .. it does seem like a rare occurrence when people behave sanely on their jobs.. but it sounds like those teachers don't deal well with folks that wish to improve..

    you are right .. it is wrong.. its inexcusable...those are office politics you avoid because the admin and teachers are poor professionals at that school... don't go back there.. go to another school where advancement is a good thing...

  4. I think it's only discrimination if the other teacher's did not have their master's degrees and therefor a raise was not warranted.  As far as other teacher's shunning this teacher, they are in the wrong.  I would think they too would be inclined to learn from this teacher and continue their own education in order to inure to benefit students as well as their own education.  Secretary was wrong in everything she did period.  All of them should be ashamed of themselves and should apologize for their behavior.  They are acting like insolent children instead of grown adults.  Lastly, you were wrong too.  Shame on you.  Perhaps you should rethink the whole thing through and draw a different conclusion.

  5. yea

    im homeskooled and getting my GED next year after only 10th grade and im going to college next august

    all my friends r insulting me and calling me lazy and c**p just cuz im graduating b4 them

    like its my fault i kno wat i want to do with my life already

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