
Have you ever been disillusioned?

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Have you ever been disillusioned?




  1. Not really, I'm one of those silly people who almost always has a positive and highly imaginative outlook on life and people.  It drives my friends and family insane, but I think being a bit disillusioned is okay, kind of slaps us back into reality.  I do say don't gloat in it too long, my dad always said life is like a roller coaster ride, you are afraid, then it suddenly become fun and just when you get use to not being afraid you have to get off and wait for the got d**n roller coaster to start over

  2. Everybody has at some point in their lives.

    It is a little sad situation though, but you get over it.

    Life goes on and is GREAT!

  3. Yes in my last relationship.  

  4. all the time. usually with my boyfriends!

  5. yes several times. in fact around 3 times a week for 40 yrs. thats life. hohum brain the size of a planet and i'm answering yahoo questions. who'd a thot it????

  6. yes of corse is very bad time for me.i became angry .this very bad,,,  

  7. a perfect person will be like a white dot on a black board, you will be a black board for the intense contrast for the one that I will love.  

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