
Have you ever been drifting of to sleep then actually felt like you were falling then woke up?

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what was that




  1. yes, that has happened to me..

    I read somewhere that some people believe that when that happens or when you wake up with a start it's your soul leaving a re-entering your's kinda hard to believe but it's neat to think about.


  3. Omg yes!! ure sleeping and u feel like your going to fall of the bed, and you wake up!!

    done it heaps!


  4. YES, you like..jump up.

  5. Yeah it happens all the time to me. I don't know what it is... maybe your brain trying to figure out what to do when you are half awake and half asleep.

    Either way, I like when that happens to me

  6. Yes! I had a dream I was leaning on my railing and the railing broke and just as I hit the stairs in my dream I was woken up by my head hitting the bar on the bunk bed. Weird, eh!

  7. I've never had that falling feeling. at least i don't think so. I had one where i was playing tennis (tennis player of course) and the ball came right at me last thing i saw was a huge highligter yellow mass coming twards me, i jumped (well more like fell) out of my chair after that one

  8. Yes, it has happened to me many times. When you first fall asleep, it is called "REM or Rapid Eye Movement", the first stage of sleep. It is during that time most people experience the "falling" sensation and then quickly wake up. It may be a noise or sensation that disrupts the REM sleep. Or it could be something in a person's subconscious that interferes with that first stage of sleep. It could be stressful thoughts before falling asleep, a nagging guilt over something you may have done during the day, or an unresolved issue.

  9. YES i wacked my head and went to the hospital because my parents over reacted.  

  10. Yes it happens more often than you think i personally think its some sort of trust bridge you must cross because the next day i had to make a tough choice of trust

  11. yes, i hate it. I even jerk when i wake up

  12. i'm not sure what it is, but that use to happen to me alot when i was little.

    and i would always flinch once before i woke up.

    i think its kind of a cool feeling, but at the same time a bit scary.

  13. that happened to me today. i was dreaming it was my first day of high school and i was walking down the stairs and tripped and i felt the rush of feeling like falling but i woke up.. i love that feeling tho. idk why but it just gives me this awesome rush.

  14. yeah its funny when whoevers with you is awake and then you freak out and wake up and they laugh.

  15. i never felt like i was drifting, but before i went to bed i felt like i was goin to go to sleep and wake up like 10 seconds later, but when i wake up i felt like i was asleep forever

    weird right?

  16. YES!!! that happens to me all the tim!! also if i need to jump or osmehing in my dream i feel myself doing that in my sleep!! also when i go sking that hapens! like ill b dreaming about skiing and then in my sleep ill move my feet! dont worry ur not alone on this! :)

  17. omg yes. i think a good majority of people have had this happen to them at least once in their lifetime. It's very common.

    I don't know why at all. I dont think anyone knows for sure. Some say it's something that happens during REM stages. Others say its something that happened to our neanderthal ancestors who slept in trees and fell.

    who knows

  18. well i cant answer what is was but i get that all the time and you wake up scared as h**l in ur bed. Not sure what causes it but its definately an adrealine rush in ur sleep.

  19. yeah totally...i always do that yooh no how if yooh get scared or wat ev yooh jump well i picture myself getting pushed or falling off something really high most of the time its a mountain!  its jst a dream but @ the same time its a fear.

  20. happens sometimes.

  21. a lot of people have that. I think it might be because that is a fear everyone has and it's a natural fear you are born with.

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