
Have you ever been emailed by someone and asked not to respond to someone else's poetry? ?

by  |  earlier

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Ever been asked to take part in ignoring someone's postings, apart from leaving a thumbs down?




  1. To answer your leading question, NO. Why should any body claims the right to control my brain, my feelings, my mind, or my tongue ? I say what I see right, whether it complies with the rest or not. Every one has the right to express his/her opinion; that is the basic element of democracy. I try not to hurt others feelings, trespassing the basic boundary of freedom. Knowing so, believing so, and doing so I'm always ready for thumbs-down.

  2. No, not yet, and probably not anytime soon...I am too much of an Earthling to operate on such an "elevated (?)" plane...

  3. No! do people do that!!

  4. Yes but didn't respond  

  5. I was asked to ignore this post. DARN i failed!!!

  6. Not to their poetry, but certainly to their comments. Sometimes ignoring is far more productive than continuing to pander to a numpty's ego.

    EDIT: Now if I wanted to prove my point, I could just ignore you...... but, as my response was an honest answer to your question, yes, sometimes the request comes from another numpty. I only choose to ignore overtly, otherwise there's no fun in subliminal derision which goes undetected.

  7. Thsi sounds very strange and I would just ignore it.  I got drawn into some people's very strange fights on my Yahoo 360 page.  They were all friends of mine.  It was very weird.  All on the internet.

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