
Have you ever been for a ride in a helicopter?? what was it like??

by Guest10715  |  earlier

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Have you ever been for a ride in a helicopter?? what was it like??




  1. Flew em for nine years in the army. It was great when nobody was shooting at me.

  2. Yes I have. Quite enjoyable. It's a whole diffrent sensation than fixed wing flying.

  3. yes, i was in a helicopter when i went to hawaii. front seat (:

    it was very cool, to me it was like a rollercoaster since you can see everything so high and you can see all of the land and your just in a tiny little aircraft thing. lol, sorry if it scares you but its the truth. but it's abosolutely amazing in my expirence. (:

  4. Nope. I fly aircraft with a wing that stays in one place...

    My instructor did though, so I figure they are okay.  I just like to know where my wing is at all times...

  5. Yes, about 3 or 4 times. The view was cool, but the ride itself was awful. Helicopters are inherently unstable, so you move around ina ll directions constantly, and they are very loud inside which messes with your equilibrium. I didn't like it.

  6. Been on a few rides and have even taken a few lessons in them. I am a fixed wing pilot but have always loved helicopters. I would love to get my helicopter rating but just too expensive right now. They are a lot more costly than fixed wing aircraft in regards to cost/hour to fly.

    They are pretty cool; you can lift off vertically which can give you a bit of a sinking feeling in the stomach if you're not used to it. Visibility is usually great. Sometimes you feel a little more vibration in a helicopter vs a fixed wing; straightforward flight is about the same.

    They can of course hover, fly sideways and backwards and land in a very small area compared to the runways required  for fixed wings.

    If you have an opportunity to ride in one, by all means go. You will really enjoy it.

  7. Well after 16,000+ hours........I thought it was fun.

    It sure beat working for a living

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