
Have you ever been given a traffic ticket that was absolutely wrong?

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Tell me your stories. I recently got a ticket for speeding but it was actually the car that was driving in the lane next to me that was speeding. The cop wouldn't believe me. And unfortunately, I got the ticket at a place that was too far away for me to want to contest the ticket. I ended up just paying for it but I still feel like I was taken advantage of.

So tell me your stories about cops giving you a traffic ticket that you didn't deserve.... Misery loves company. :-p




  1. sorry that stinks. well, i deserved mine haha. but my dad never had a ticket in his life until last year wen he was like 64, he was going with the flow of traffic, which was faster then posted speed, but it was with the flow. the officer said he just picked someone to pull over. its a bummer cause my dad almost went his whole life without a ticket.

    wow, Mccain girl, that cop was mean n weird!

  2. I have deserved thousands and thousands of tickets yet I have only received three since 1984,when I got my license.It's been almost 15 years since my last one.I just wish my daughter coud say the same.

    They cost me every time.

  3. Never happened to me.

  4. Yup, and I fought it and won. I was driving in the neighborhood, stopped at a stop sign, then turned right.  There was a cop about 100 yards ahead of me, he walked in the middle of the street and I waved.  he asked me to roll down the window, and I asked if he was lost! (I knew I did nothing wrong, so why would he give me a ticket? Plus my mom called to warn me he was there about 15 minutes before) then he told me to pull over, and he was going to write me a citation.  I asked what for, and he told me that I did not stop at the stop sign.  I assured him I did, and he started yelling at me, asking if I think he was lying.  I calmly said no, and called my mom (I was in high school at the time).  I got home, talked to my parents, then my dad and I walked down to where it was he was standing compared to where I stopped at the stop sign.  We took pictures, proving he could not have seen where I stopped behind the line. Th cop again yelled at me, telling me to get out of the street (I was crossing!!). and we went back home.  The next week the jerk cop was there again, and pulled my dad over (he too knew the cop was there) He pulled my dad over, and my dad yelled at him, telling him he knows what he's doing is complete bull **** and won't sign his d**n paper, because they both knew it was fake.  The cop admitted he was wrong, and let him go.  I showed up to court, and the cop never showed up!!

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