
Have you ever been happy that your mate cheated on you, and the other person took them off your hands?

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My bf cheated on me...But actually it was the best thing that ever happend to me. It was like a weight lifted off my shoulders!... Im happy that the new girl has him. Now I can go on with my life. Have you ever experienced this???..




  1. Yeah. Because then I finally saw him for what he was - a lying, cheating, dishonorable scoundrel.

    And of course...she dumped him. Now he's alone. T.S.

  2. I was so unhappy with my ex I use to wish that he would cheat on me, so I would have a reason that everone would understand to leave him. Because people don't see what goes on behind closed doors and other people like to judge you for the decisions you make.

  3. Yes!!! My EX husband!

    And she didn't stick with IT very  too bad, they were a perfect jack(donkey) couple!!

    Long story, but at least I have a REAL HUSBAND now!!

    One that is honest, respectful, loving and a very hard worker!!

    Amen, there was one left FOR ME!!!!

  4. well it depends you prabably wanted to break up with him but you couldnt or you didnt really like him but thats good that ur happy

  5. Yes when my troubling ex finally got married with a woman he had cheated on me with.  Now he couldn't come back to me even if he wanted to.  Now he is her problem, and I actually feel badly for her.  

  6. Yeah, I am not happy that my ex-husband cheated on me... I've figured out it wasn't a good relationship, that he was too abusive, and that I'm way happier alone than I was with him!!

  7. You sound like you really have it all together.  Just imagine if this had gone on for years and than you found out.  My son had this happen to him after going with a girl for several years.  For one week he was totally devastated and then suddenly he just got over it.  I was very impressed as so many people told me it would take him a year or more to recover.  He tells us he is relieved to be out of the relationship and is very happy now.  Good luck to you..always remember you deserve the best.  

  8. Yeah.. if you dont want to break up with them because you feel guilty, it's an easy out.

    You got lucky.. good for you!

  9. I have not, but am wishing for it.  If she would hook and and go...I would be a happy man !   Glad it worked out for you....I am hopeful that this will happen for me.  

  10. I have not personally experienced this , but I am sure no one would necessarily find relief in the fact that their mate cheated on them . Most of us would be left feeling like "Hmmm maybe I did something wrong , the reason he/she felt the need to pursue further"  Those feelings of hurt and rejection should be  there no matter what....  I know I wouldnt want to be cheated on , no matter how good , no matter how bad the relationship is/was.

  11. Yes Yes Yes!! Good question. I wanted to end the relationship because he was too possessive and he had other issues. I knew that wouldn't be a good reason to break up but when I found out he was cheating I was hurt and relieved.

  12. i've never referred to my girlfriend as my mate.  as for your question, i haven't had that happen to me.  it would be interesting though.

  13. I used to wish this would happen to me when I felt trapped in my marriage - it seemed it would be an easier way out.  

  14. No.  If you're unhappy with your boyfriend/girlfriend (spouses are different, which is why I don't understand what you're doing posting this in Marriage and Divorce) than why don't you just leave?


  15. Yeah but she came back

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