
Have you ever been haunted? How was it?

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well in my old apartment they used to like scracht the window and make noises. I would look but there would be nobody outside. Then one time my something or someone would like scracht my closet door constantly. No it wasn't rats or any sort of animal... it was really creepy. One time my sister said she saw a lady trying to get in one of my neighbors apartment and she disapeared in mid air. It turned out that a lady used to live in that apartment and one day she crossed the street been drunk and all, I think it was her son's bday party, well anyways she crossed the street and got hit by a car. I think she's the one who haunted around those apartments. anybody have something related?




  1. I have and it was terrible. Every night it would come and every night it would leave me breathless and panting. I will never forget that blonde.

  2. I bought some occult books off ebay and pretty much read some spells.  Shortly after that all kinds of wierd **** would happen.  I would feel someone take their finger and brush it up the side of my water bed right where I was laying.  Also, I would feel this overwhelming presence and great and unimanginable fear.  Sometimes it was so bad that I would run out of my room.  Also, I would wake up and couldnt move.  It's like I was frozen in place.  Sometimes I would wake up and see **** that was not their.  Ever since that night, this thing has followed me eveyr where I go.  I remember one night after I moved from my parents house this thing woke me up and was tugging at my arms really hard.  I told it basically to leave me alone and it stopped.  It is no longer as aggresive as it used to be.  It seems the more sinful and distant I become from god, the more powerful this presence becomes.  I can sometimes still feel it standing right next to me.  At some point I am going to talk to my minister about this ****, but for now it is leaving me alone.

  3. yes i am a sensitve and they haunt me all the time. most of the time it is awful

  4. almost every house i lived in was " haunted " when i was younger me my mom and my brother moved into a duplex in pennsylvania and it started out really petty, things would go missing around the house and my mom use to blame us , soon bills and mail and things that were inportant would go missing . then shoes and things that my mom used everyday or loved and had value, then one day my mom was in the kitchen and the water kept turning on and off every time she would turn around the water would go back on and she thought there was a plumbing problem . we always would hear footseps in the upstairs hall way and my cat would flip out. but the worst part for me was i was lilttle and my mom put me in the room with the attick!! i had a door that led to the attick and it had this long narrow creepy wooden stair case that creeked all night long and a light bulb with a string at the top of the stairs. i hated that i always herd footseps that sounded like they were coming down the stairs but they just kept going like they never got to the bottom, we finally got enough of all the creepy **** and my mom decided to move out the day that we were packing and the movers went to undo her bed frame all the stuff that my mom was missing over the months were organized and stacked up into little piles in the middle of the floor. crazy!

    oh and     TIMSPOT5000   sorry that ur going through that but when you wake up in the middle of the night and you cant move or scream or anything or maybe you feel like there is pressure on your chest, its not anything bad its actually and out of body experiance , its whare your spirit travels out of your body and you wake up its a temporary paralysis, sometimes you wake up before the spirit gets back in or shortly after it has left. its nothing to be worried about i know that it can  be freaky but it is acutally good for you , your spirit does this several times a month. sometimes you wake up while its happening but others u dont.    ( i know some people may think that is a crock of **** but every one has there opinions and beliefs , you may chose to beleive or not)

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