
Have you ever been in Argentina?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Yes back in the seventies and again in 1988

  2. Yes, 7 times and I loved the country. I worked there for 2 years back in 2001 and have been not only to BA but also to Patagonia, Cordoba, Mendoza. I loved Chubut and Ushuaia. BA is a city I know like the plam of my hand. People always say argentinians are arrogant and this very high of themselves but I found people to be quite nice and helpful. I had a great time living in Buenos Aires, lovely city with lots of cultural events, nice restaurants, cheap food, excellent public transport system, etc.

  3. Let me explain something. You have asked a 'closed qustion'. In other words a question that only requires a yes or no answer. I would hazard a guess that you would prefer more information than this, therefore you need to expand. Capice?

  4. I live here, so, almost every day, je. Are you planning to come?

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