
Have you ever been in a Hurricane?

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I know they get a bad rap, but they are exciting.




  1. oh dude ive been in to many to count but most of them were small and stupid lol i live in louisiana

    i find them exciting but after you've been through them you start to dread the big ones.. like katrina :[

  2. yes, disaster is exciting. the proximity of death

    keeps all of us deliciously aware of our vitality!

    (shhh, don't say that too loud. People will think it's kinda twisted.)

  3. Yes Katrina, but we live in N.J. so it was only a little bit worst than a regular storm, but the eye was cool

    answer mine?;...

  4. When I was a kid, we lived in Florida and yeah, we got mild ones all the time.. the adults would pick the "most secure" house with enough room for everyone.. we'd go over, seal the house up, sometimes board the windows, and have a hurricane party until it passed.. it was an odd, yet fun tradition.  You just have to make sure the hurricane isn't strong and don't go out when the eye passes overhead.. LOL.. alot of people come out thinking it's over, when it's only the eye.. then the eye passes and the wall hits again.  

  5. I have a friend that  was working in New Orleans and lives in Texas he had to evacuate on Thursday and went back home ...he was telling the situation and i started to wonder where do all those people leave too

    scary thing.  

  6. yes, i have been through many. right now im getting ready for Gustav. I always get scared during a hurricane thats why i usually evacuate if it is more than a category one.  

  7. Yes, I'm living through Gustav right now. I experience Katrina also. It's not fun at all.

  8. Yes, many years ago...hurricane Hazel in Florida. We were trapped in our car, which was blowing sideways down the causeway. Trees and signs were flying everywhere. I have been very very close to 2 tornados also. They are more destructive in the immediate path but cannot match a hurricane for overall mass destructive power. Hope you never get near either.....

  9. No but I was about 70 yards away from a tornado, It was wild,  I can see why people chase them, they create such endorphins, wow

  10. Not a hurricane, but two cyclones.

    One when I was on a cruise around the South Pacific  Islands.  I was sea sick for 4 days straight. blahh

    The second was when I was on holiday in Tahiti, on the Island of Moorea.

    Exciting???  not the adrenalin pumping tho

  11. yes...they're exiting for awhile, but then the rain and the wind gets really old, and everything is disgusting and the town is trashed...not that fun.

  12. Yes i live in Miami, we get them every year, honestly when youve been through enough of them you don't get scared but just prepare, honestly, what hurricane does is horrible, you lose power, no school (which isnt that bad) and you lose sleep sometimes. Let alone a category 4 heading for NO

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