
Have you ever been in a class that was WAY to easy for you?

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I've been downgraded in a way, sort of dumbed down since school started. I took Calculus last year and got a 5 on my exam, and my school doesn't offer Calc II so I had to take Statistics instead... this class is too easy! The majority of the students in the class are not very bright. Our teacher made us copy notes, and the only number that I saw in the entire two pages of notes was "1" in the "Chapter 1". It's an AP class so I thought it would be fun and challenging but I was really wrong. Going from Calculus to Statistics was a bad idea. I'm also taking Applied Physics at a community college and I feel the same way about this class as I do about the Stats class... VERY basic.

Have you ever taken a class that was too easy for you? Which class was it?




  1. Statistics in high school?  I guess that's an American thing because over here in Canada we don't have statistics in high school, but until university.  Unless we call your high school statistics data management.

    Well, I don't want to sound that I'm all full of myself, but I found high school math extremely easy.  Like I didn't put an effort into my work ever and I did extremely well.  My high school math average (i.e. ever single math course I took in high school) turned out to be a 97.2 % with a final exam average of 98.4 % - something I'm really proud of still =)    I know other schools would offer special classes for the brighter students, but they were too far for me to commute, so I decided to stay and go through with the easier ones.  I started taking the data management course which is probably your statistics and well I got bored the first class and dropped it lol  So yup I definitely know what your talking about lol  Though things have now changed in University lol

  2. lucky you, why dont you find a new challenge then?

    im sure youd do great in a science fair of some sort?

    keep in mind, many struggle in those classes

  3. yes... it was a college course taught at my school called college algebra and i took it my junior year.  lol... it was the stupidest class i ever took.  i got an A in it sleeping most of the time but I still got a college credit for it.  


  5. Yes...this reminds me of my entire high school experience...much too easy and quite boring! Good on you that you like intellectual challenges!

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