
Have you ever been in a crisis?

by  |  earlier

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tornados, hurricanes, blizzards, earthquacks, plane expierences, ........ what else tell me bout it.




  1. Thank God I have not.

  2. Hi I've experienced clear turbulence on a flight between Singapore and Sydney. The aircraft 747-400 was flying at 34000 feet when  the plane did a sudden drop of 600 feet in a matter of minutes. It felt like I was on a roller coaster. Luckily I had my seat belt fastened. The passenger sitting opposite me was flung out of his seat. We had to divert to Jakarta. The majority of the injured were the cabin crew.

  3. Blizzard of '78 - a week before I got out of the driveway.  My brother came by once a day on a snowmobile and tossed food to me from the road.

    Blizzard of '93 - pretty much the same but this time we had kids.

    Blizzard of '96 - ran out of heating oil.

    Flood of '96 - the road washed out and the car froze fast in the lane.

    Blizzards are pretty easy to handle.  You stock up and stay put.   (Except the time we ran out of heating oil and spent two days and nights shoveling a half mile path to the road so the oil guy could bring us 10 gallons of oil in milk jugs on a sled.  The plows were busy with farms and hospitals.)   I have never had my house flooded, though, which is worse.  Never have had the house come tumbling down on account of an earthquake.  Never had it blow down from a tornado.

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