
Have you ever been in a gang? ?

by  |  earlier

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e-mail or otherwise?




  1. No I'm rarely included in anything these days (((((sobs)))))

  2. No they won't let me in because I've got a loose place.  But me and Haz have now teamed up to campaign for your badge

  3. Not that I know of, unless it's such a secret society that even the members don't know about it...

  4. hehe ya mean this?

  5. I was in the Cornflake Gang when I was about 9.

    I was well hard.

  6. well I was in a gang once

    just chris and dave and me

    and little peter hazeldene

    .......although hes only three

    we used to go out scrumping

    had catapults and sticks

    and pulled up brussel sprout plants

    and other dirty tricks..

    one day we found a wasps nest

    twas sited in a bank

    and we had bought some fireworks

    preparing for a prank

    we shoved them bangers in the nest

    and set em off real fast

    them wasps got really angry

    for it was a mighty blast..!!

    but we were very stupid

    and liked this insect baiting

    so we went back to the nest again

    but now the wasps were waiting...

    they flew out in a mighty storm

    .....surprise was on their side

    we ran..... but they were quicker

    they stung us till we cried

    and then the gang just ceased to be

    as we all slunk away

    it never was the same again work took over play....

  7. of course

    although I haven't had an email from a  fellow member in while

    I'm wondering if the AU on the suggs board was right

    Is my place loose?

  8. i used to be but then i grew a brain.

  9. Good Lord no, I'd feel silly. There was the Bromley Team many years ago, couldn't describe it as a gang though.

  10. I was in the h***s angels when very young,I suppose that's a gang of sorts, but nothing so dangerous as an e mail gang .

  11. can you have a gang of two?

    come on snizz, we'll create a gang.

    oh no, do you know what song came to mind? wanna be in my gang, my gang, my gang. how awful. at least it's a current event.

    kev join us.

  12. not a gang member as such

    but i was accused of being a side kick of a certain scottish lady poster .....

  13. No I have never been part of a gang.

  14. Yes. When I was young and stupid.

    Brooklyn Czars

  15. There is somebody coming to the UK from Thailand tommorrow who was "Leader of the Gang"

  16. I was in a gang that used to go around singing Bros songs really badly to annoy the bros fans. Ah yes the sight of all them girls at the youth disco throwing us them nasty looks. If only could turn back time to them days when people had a sense of humour about such things and did not go wanting to kick your head in because you made fun of their favourite boyband.  

  17. No, none of them would have me :(

  18. *sighs* no gang, no hate mail, no e mail, no nothing for me



    Yes Ker and I'll start a gang..that'll learn you people!!!

  19. yeah it was 1963

    we swapped knitting patterns and recipes involving tripe

    Edit: you must remember, we did that womens institute meeting on how to make beef jam. You WERE there.

    Edit 2: Snizzy I'm gonna batter you with email, get ya gnome at the ready......... :)

  20. yes at school but never Gary Glitters gang

  21. Gangs and clicks are lame, a lot of my friends regret being in a click. Once your in you have to get jumped out to leave. And that can be humiliating. It's pointless. Be your own person. Not part of the crowd.

  22. No honey,,i only do cliques,,to posh for mere gangs :)

    ermmm phyco..Go boil ya head!! i ain't scared of you!

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