
Have you ever been in a really bad car crash?

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just wondering, explain what happened.




  1. NO fpor a 4 whel vehicle but 3 times for a two wheeled or motorcycle accident well heres what happened:

        While i was already on the middle of the road and ready to turn some uneducated driver cut me out hitting me in my bodfy part and i got under his car good thing the doctor said jokingly said " cool, you almost broke your ribs if not because of your body fat haha all i got was a minor cuts briises and a contuission in my ribcage the thing is i am satill the luckiest as it was on a New Years Eve something a Year ender Remebrance  haha i told to myself that ill post my pictures in trhe wenb since my brother upon informed about the accident, took a pictuire of the scene th crank broke, side mirrors, mufflers almost a total wreck

  2. NO, thank GOD.

  3. no but i did have a car back up over top of me when i was little. i lived in an apartment complex and was playing in the parking lot when i layed down and i might have went to sleep and the next thing i knew i was under the car. i was able to walk back to my apartment and get everything cleaned  before going to the hospital

  4. Yes. I fell asleep doing 45mph. Hit a stone building head on. Went through the windshield, broke 5 ribs, double compound fracture of the tib-fib, broken arm. I got a nice medi-vac helicopter ride out of it though. Car was totaled.

  5. Yes. I was hit by a drunk driver. I was in a parked car with my boyfriend (now husband). The drunk driver took a turn to fast, flipped on its side, slammed into us at 40 mph, pushing us about 10 feet forward, then moved off to the side, kept going over 2 lanes, jumped a divider (throwing the passenger out, and knocking her unconscious) across 3 more lanes, up a hill, hit a tree, and rolled back down onto the street. The passenger that got thrown was airlifted to a hospital, and had to go through rehab to walk again.My husband and I sustained minor injuries, whiplash and bruises and stuff.

  6. Sorry if this is what you want to hear or not.. Technicly: no I havent.. But I have dreams to where I feel the dream as if im living it.. Ive dreamt a lot.. I know what it feels like to be burnt, choked, cut, shot.. and ive experianced two crashes in my dreams.. Ill tell you one. My mother and I pulled out of my grandma's drive way, and the left blind turn, we didnt hear but a 4x4 Red Dodge Dakota truck, came and crashed into us. I felt the door crack my shin into pieces, only because i pulled myself over my mother in this dream.. so. I now KNOW what it feels to have a shattered shin, and to witness a crash.

  7. Was in a bad highway crash a few years ago... was a lot of traffic, I was in the fast lane and the queue in front of me came to a full stop ...

    I was driving at 80kmh and just stoped 5cm before hitting the car in front ... I saw the car in my back approaching full speed in the rear mirror ... full crash, and 5 cars behind the one that hit me as well.

    Was pretty bad but thanks to airbag and a great swedish car I was not injured.

  8. yes i saw one. my office mate was driving a nissan pick up when he swerve to the opposite lane. head on collision with the incoming toyota land cruiser. he died on the spot. his vehicle  was a total wrecked. its engine was thrown as far as 10 meters from the cab. note my office mate just arrived from his holiday with lack of sleep.

    if you feel sleepy while driving please pull over and take a nap.

  9. not really, but i've been in alot of car accidents, once a motorcyclist ran into the car i was in, right into the door i was sitting next to. it was scary. and an old guy slammed into us one time and drove off, luckily there were other people who saw and some guy went in his car and chased him down. it was pretty dramatic.

  10. Fortunately, no. However, I was once hit by a car. This is my story:

              I was age 5, living in India. (Don't get ahead of me.) Being a little 5 year old, my sense of safety was lower than poll rating for Bush, and I had decided to rollerblade down a hill. Whilst rollerblading for the umpteenth time, I was hit by a car, and speeded up to an immense velocity. I was happy to be going at this rate, feeling the wind in my hair.....until I was stopped by a wall. Fortunately, I didn't break any bones, but I was in the hospital for 2 days. (And the driver got away...) But yeah, If you want the base of car-crash story, all of them will have an underlying theme of terror beyong imagination, and relief (and sometimes grief) after the car crash.

  11. No. I have been in a low-speed rear-end collision, a parking lot fender bender, and a bus vs. auto accident (I was in a school bus). None were really bad.

  12. no, but i dreamed that i would drive in the back of a white jeep and fall down a gap in a bridge backwards praying to god and finally dieing.

  13. yes, hydroplane on a freeway. i was not badly hurt, i was lucky. it wasn;t my fault, oil and water on the road but it makes you a much safer driver. if people who speed realized just how close they are to death on the road, they might slow down.

  14. been in a couple, last one i hit a herd of cattle and one came through my windscreen dislocating my shoulder. at the same time i was rear ended by some t**t and the car then left the road.

    but im here to type about it so no biggie

  15. No i have not been in a serious car accident

  16. Yes, I got run off the road by a drunk driver and it was a bad time in my life as well as for my family.

  17. Well, I have crashed a 1990 bronco into the corner of a house. It was a Saturday that I took the SAT's. I started drinking with my buddies I took the test with after about 12 noon. It was 3:45 AM on sunday after a couple cases and about two xanax that I took at around 1AM. I was driving down a wet road about four blocks  away from my house. I was driving too fast around a curve and slammed on my brakes. My car didn't have ABS so my back wheels locked up and turned my car with my front wheels. My car slid across a yard on the corner and slammed into their washroom. My parents came and said I didn't drink so I got a failure to stay in my lane ticket.

    Lucky as h**l.

  18. No but one time me and my friends found a shopping cart and decided itd be fun to play in it. everbody was too scared to get in and be pushed around but i got in. i told them to take me down this big *** hill and i trusted them not to let me go...but they did and there was nothing i could do but scream and hit a pole the end.

  19. Yes, in 1995. My husband and I were driving on I-15 near San Juan Capistrano in Southern California. It had been raining earlier in the day and when my husband went to change lanes, we started fishtailing, then spinning, hitting the concrete center divider almost head-on, which propelled us spinning back the other way, in front of oncoming traffic, to the other side of the freeway where we finally stopped backward, up an embankment. When we hit the concrete divider, we hit with such force that my husband bent the steering wheel over forward in half while holding it and my right calf was nearly punctured by the window roller handle, which broke with the force. My leg still has the indention and throbs at times when I have walked alot that day. The seatbelt abrasions/force bruised my chest and abdomen black. No one called for help for us, so we "limped" our totalled truck off the freeway to a restaurant where we waited for the towtruck. While waiting, we saw two more cars limping down the off-ramp after having an accident in the same area. Apparently, there was something slick on the road, which was drawn up and made worse by the recent rain. We are OK, but will never forget that day. I still can't drive in the rain without some anxiety.

  20. yes,

       when the car is coming  it crashed.i saw it when i went india.

  21. Yes.  7 years later my body is still messed up from it.  Wasn't my fault.

  22. No, not yet, and hopefully won't. But I've seen one right in front of my eyes on the highway, and my heart stopped beating. It was scary.

  23. I was driving on an icy interstate and slid into a guard rail head on at about 40 mph, my car had an airbag and automatic seatbelts, which I had the shoulder belt on but not my lap belt, the airbag bruised my face and I had a bruise across my chest from the seatbelt but I had no other injuries, just scared the c**p out of me. my car was totalled, but I was very lucky not to get hurt worse.

  24. Let my friend drive and we were t-boned. My brand new cutless supreme was smashed and totaled. Every window and winshield shattered. So did my cd's upon impact. I had glass embedded in my a-s-s. Went to the hospital and got a morphine drip (that was cool) Um... They didn't give my friend any drugs because he was black and they thought he was high already (he wasn't)

    The guy who hit me didn't even have the decency to come over and see if we were ok. He was too busy checking out his bumper that was a little dented. My car was totaled tho. I was so pissed because I had just bought it and did not have insurance.

    I still miss that car!!!

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