
Have you ever been in a restaurant and discovered something in your food that shouldn’t have been there?

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Have you ever been in a restaurant and discovered something in your food that shouldn’t have been there?




  1. At an Applebees in Florida on a muggy evening, I was sipping my Raspberry Iced Tea when I felt something large and hard squirming in my mouth....I spit it back into the glass and discovered what it was----a June Bug!  I nearly hurled and have not returned to Applebees since!

  2. yes, hair..ewwww

  3. yeah a piece of hair....which disgusted me from finishing my meal.

    i have heard other stories of people having dead bugs in their food and i have heard on the media of rodents being cooked with fried chicken.  there are times when you wouldn't expect things like this to happen esp from up scale places.  the safest place to eat is straight out of your own least you know how its prepared.

    the best thing to do is bless your for food and pray that it's safe, healthy, and unharmful.  THAT'S WHAT I DO...

  4. Yes, my family went to a pizza place in maryland and when my daughter got her salad from the salad bar, one of the pcs. of lettuce had an inch worm on it!!!  She was soooo upset that she wouldn't even eat the pizza after that!

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