
Have you ever been in a riot, protest or a walkout?

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Please just not 'yes'. Some elaboration as why and what would be nice.




  1. Riot.

    It was when the Iranians took our people hostage. Some IRANIANS were protesting Americans being in Iran. They were chanting "We don't need your U.S. spys"

    Well, I had to start a different chant, " Let them go!"

    Pretty soon there was a shove, and it was ON!

    I bashed a lotta heads that day. The guy who was shouting at me in my face with a bullhorn? I tried to shove it down his throat. I rammed it into his face anyway and I felt it crunch so....

    We all pretty much bolted when the cops showed up leaving the wounded Iranians to take the rap.

    Yup- I'd do it again!

  2. Yes, all three unfortunately. Very stressful situations.

  3. I walked out of a really bad movie once... does that count?

  4. When I was 5 or six, my church protested against gangs and marched against it.

  5. Been on demos.

  6. Protest. A "sit-in" at a public library in a small town in Georgia where a black person couldn't even get a library card. I was arrested and put in jail for one night. It was worth it because one of the others in jail with me was a 30-year-old minister named Martin Luther King, Jr.

  7. I care

    but I don't care that much

  8. nope

  9. Been in multiple protests (even one today) and a walkout or two.

    EDITED: Fair enough.  I have been in numerous protests for a number of causes.  Most importantly against the war in Iraq on three different occasions.  All were very orderly and kinda fun.  I was in the Seattle protests against the WTO (but not much in the protest or violent portions).  Today, I was in a protest as part of my union demanding the ratification of a contract we've been negotiating for a few months.  I have been directed by police on a few occassions to move, I've complied and have never been arrested.  Generally, protests are good places ot meet people and talk for a while to connect and discuss ideas.  I'm not sure how productive they are (particularly in the U.S. context); however, they do seem to help movements come together and then have some creative energy.

    Any other questions or comments, I'll edit.

    P.S. technically a riot and a fight are different.

  10. Yes in high school. I walked out of class to protest the dress code that was being forced on us.

    This was in 1968.

  11. I publicly dissented at a school assembly once. The principal had asked me not to talk about s*x education for our school, but when I got up to give a report of the minutes from my city's youth council (which I sat on) I simply read the minutes as discussed and asked for a show of hands. The principal was not happy, but against government & Dept of Education orders, senior students were granted free access to local doctors for s*x counselling etc.

    I don't participate in marches etc. as I think they are usually counter-productive, and there's always a militant (and generally unwashed) element that wants to pick fights.

  12. In the sixties, I participated in a war protest with other college students. We just marched and chanted. I was a total moron but did not know it because I was a college student who had zero life experiences and was so totally naive.

  13. not in a while

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