
Have you ever been in a situation where violence was the only answer?

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What did you do? Personally if someone stole my car, TV or PS3 I would introduce them to steel pole justice which has worked as a good deterrent for years. What would you use?




  1. Good Azz Kicking usually settled the problem if not then their is the ultimate of Death do us part.

  2. bring back the birch that will sort out the the low life's

  3. Yes.  But always try to walk if you have too.

  4. No!

  5. No.

    I am civilized person, and I only will defend my self against savages and primitive terrorists if they can use reason like Mr. bush and his foreign policies.

  6. Baseball bat to the knees.  The cops seemed to think he might think twice about breaking into some one elses home next time.

  7. violence will always prove to be..the last refuge of the incompetent....

  8. The only way I would use force is if my family or I were in immediate danger of personal injury.

  9. yes!

  10. Yes!  I have had to fight for my life.  And won It is something very scary and no on is prepared

  11. Yes. I ran the guy down with my car, and it would probably remain my preferred weapon of choice.

  12. I once fought off a mugger and chased him and cornered him until the police arrived. He pleaded guilty to three charges. He only caused me ABH, the least serious class of injury that can result from an assault. As he pleaded guilty to other thefts, police decided not to press a charge of attempted theft relating to the crime against me. For his three crimes he got 3 years in jail.

  13. Yes. I was in the army, and we were advised against turning the other cheek.

  14. I honestly wouldn't know until I am confronted with any of those situations. I have not had your experiences.

  15. then you...yes you would go to jail with them....i always say if you want to go to the trouble of breaking into my house then you can take anything you if you start up the stairs where there is nothing but the bedrooms and bathrooms...then you die ...its as simple as that all you want downstairs because my life or my family's life are not in danger start up the stairs...boom you get the idea...that's the only time violence is permissible mind you i have done 5 tours in the war zones..1in Kuwait 1 in Afghanistan and 3 in I'm not a stranger to violence but it must be used wisely and appropriately  good luck and god bless

  16. Use a good guard dog. I don't think you would get done for assault if your dog attacked them as a result of them breaking into your property (I'm not sure though - are there any lawyers here?)

    Plus they double-up as very loyal pets. I recommend a German Shepherd. Rottweilers/Dobermans are too vicious..

  17. The hippies are missing the point entirely.

  18. Martin Luther King Jr. Once said. To resort to violence with violence is to increase the darkness on a night already devoid of stars.

  19. at one point there was a point in my life were violence was the only answer    i was asked what word could be used instead of all of these assault, bloodshed, brutality, clash, ferocity, fervor, fighting, force, frenzy, fury, gore, intensity, onslaught, outrage, rage, rampage, savagery, terrorism, uproar, war  the only answer i could think of was violence

  20. Well someone stealing your stuff is not a situation where violence is the ONLY answer. Yes, I have been in those situations before. For me, it is when a person leaves you no choice and you will be injured or killed. Then my philosophy is that it will be very violent and end very quickly.

  21. No not yet.

  22. i would try not be violent in all situations.

  23. yes, a bunch of girls tried to mug me on a bus once. The ring leader punched me in the head but it wasn't hard enough for me to go down so I belted her one and kicked the living day lights out of her. I admit I did go a bit far what with breaking her nose and jaw but her friends didn't seem so determind to mug me after that. So it was worth it.

  24. nope

  25. One time in the middle of the night I woke to some junkie trying to climb in my window, so that was a situation where I would have had no choice, but the pathetic little f**ker ran off before I got to bash his head usually very anti violence.... but not that time. No more sleeeping with the window open for me

  26. anyone who resorts to violence is a coward

    it takes a bigger man to call the police or walk away

  27. Yeah

  28. Calm down, Cletus.  Nobody's going to steal your 1971 Pinto.  Now, do you mind explaining what the h**l "steel pole justice" is supposed to be?

  29. i agree with rusty brains,

    if they are a danger to my family or my self, that's when Mr balaclava, and Mrs bowie knife come out to play, although the sight of me running around my house in a balaclava and boxers waving a bowie knife, in the dark ,might just be enough to scare them off

  30. yes i have.

    and i couldn't agree more mr singh.

    we have the local do-gooders telling us that the theiving scrotes have it hard and we shouldn't be so tough on them if they steal anything belonging to us-cobblers!! people are still getting cars and homes broken into.

    except for me and my immediate neighbours!!

    because i let it be known to certain individuals that if anything of mine goes walkies or my vehicle is interfered with i will administer instant justice-sod what the liberals have to say on the matter!. (and they know i f*@^king mean it)

    if the perpetrator is under 16 then i will go over to their house and make the father pay (in pain-not money).

    i have done this once before (5 years ago)-word must have got round because we in our little bit of the neighbourhood get left well alone we can enjoy our bar-b-q's and little outside get-togethers and the toerags leave us be because they know that if they bother us it won't be a slap on the wrist and an ASBO they'll be getting so they save themselves the hassle and go find an easier target.

    and the police can't understand why?.

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