Hi guys, I'm going on to my 5th month in Wing Chun and I enjoy it heavily. Problem is; I don't think my instructor enjoys having me much. You see, I'm probably the youngest in the class besides 3 little kids that hardly ever come. I'm 16, and my instructor treats everyone else so much better than me and with more respect. He usually tries out his moves on me when he's demonstrating and he sometimes doesn't take me seriously about the questions i asked. Just last night I was helping this new member for like 40 mins going over a technique, and he came and said "ok so what are you guys doing here?" and i told him we're going over a technique and he's like "oh, this is the counter" and then i said something like "yeah I'm teaching him the form first" and my instructor exploded, he's like "EXCUSE ME!? WHO THE **** IS TEACHING HERE?" I'm like..... you?
I really don't understand why he's like this, I know I'm young but he acts like I have an ego and he's trying to destroy it although I don't, I have to walk 4 miles almost daily to class and I'm quiet most of the time I'm there!
He is a veteran for Nam and he likes the Army and supports bush and he wanted me to join but I don't support bush and I'm not interested in the army, maybe that's the reason, idk. And i can't afford to leave this school because it's the only Wing Chun school in my Area and it's one of the best in California. Should I just put up with him?
No BS answers.