
Have you ever been in an abusive relationship?

by  |  earlier

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verbally and/or physically

I've never been... and i feel lucky because a lot of my friends have




  1. yes, both

  2. Yes, for 25 years.  Guess I'm not too swift!


  3. Nope

  4. Yes. Dad was verbally and first husband was physically.

  5. no

  6. Eleanor, My elephant, abuses me something awful.

    She make me feed her peanuts one at a time ....  760 pounds, everyday

  7. no i would never put up with an abusive man, he would be straight out of the door

  8. I have, I was 5 years of pure H E L L  I didn't think I was ever gonna get out of it, he always found me, and then the beatings got worse, Finally one night he was so drunk, and after I got done getting my A S S beat, because there was on dinner on the table at 3AM, I fixed his dinner, then when he passed out, I duct taped his hands and feet, then proceeded to beat the c**p out of him with a bar of soap in a sock, then I called the police and had his butt hauled off, he called me the next morning trying to apologize and wanted me to bail him out, I just laughed, and got an exparte' order, and I never heard from him again  

  9. yup it was both (on both of our parts, but mostly verbal) i got out and found a great guy!

  10. Hundreds of Thousands of battered women in this country & I'm still eating mine plain

  11. both they want to have you think you are stupid and that is bad but i took as much as i could and left with 4 sons and they had a lovely step dad. he was good to them and he passed away in may and we're still all grieving.

  12. No, thank god!

    I'm sorry about your friends.

  13. Thankfully no.

  14. no never!, I would never let someone show me such disrespect.

  15. yes to both  & you are lucky !


  16. yes, both verbal and physical.

    i got out asap.

  17. A guy has hit me before, but i didn't stay with him long.

  18. Ya I've been in one where we verbally abused one another and it was horrible. Nothing but a lot of screaming and crying and hatred. I'm glad to be out of that living h**l.

  19. I think my ex husband and abused each other mentally. The name calling his cheating; my bull c**p; thats why we are divorced

  20. Um no.  I'd cut his freaking balls off and mail 'em to his momma if he ever touched me or even said anything rude to me.

    We've been together for 15 years and he hasn't ever said or done anything mean to me.

    If someone is in an abusive relationship, you have to recognize the signs.  The first time something happens, you need to leave the relationship so it don't get worse.  Things like that never get better.

  21. my dad was and my boyfriend is good at not hurting me maybe hit me 3 or 4 times in the last 5 years but not to hard..

  22. Verbally abusive.  I dumped the loser.

  23. I had a lamp thrown at my head once.

  24. yes , but I changed my ways and I dont want my son growing up thinking its OK for  his women to beat him .

  25. you should help your friends

  26. Yes.. Both to be exact. It was nasty.

  27. Yeah, I used to beat the **** out of him!

  28. nope... i haven're or have i...???

  29. Not as an adult.

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