
Have you ever been in hospital?

by  |  earlier

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if so what for and i hope you are ok... ty




  1. Yup, I worked in one. But the only time I've been hospitalized, was when I had my son, so I've been lucky.

  2. I have but I only usually visit someone. Pretty soon I'll be working in one.

  3. Nope ♥

  4. yes, the top of my little finger got cut of when i was 3, i broke my arm at six, an got an operation when i was 8 to get 4 teeth out!

    thanks, im fine now

  5. yes i have.... a few times.... 3 times for giving birth to my kids... and after my 3rd one who was still born, i had to have a hysterectomy at the age of 19.... it sucked big time... that was the worse time of my life.

  6. Several surgeries and one very serious illness (which happened to be in a developing country--I almost died and the medication caused my teeth to rot out.)

  7. yes of course,.,

    when i was just a little girl,.,

    and when i was sicked many times,.,

    i have been in the hospital many times but i had never been confined ever since i was a little girl,,.,.


  8. aww what a lovely person you are ha :)

    im not being sarcastic either, should be more people like you :)

    hmm i have once, because i trapped my finger in the door at schooll and the tip of it was hanging off :|  I know Ouch Right!? sorry to go into detaill,  haha but its all better now.

    thanks for caringgg x

  9. yeah, when i was in high school. i cut my finger open with an exacto knife in art class. real horrorshow.

  10. no i havnt and i hope that i dont ever have to.

  11. Yeah i've been to visit relatives, when i couldn't breathe, when i broke my foot, had a heart murmur and had a blood clot.

    i don't think they're scary :)

  12. Yup...taking care of people

  13. I stayed in the hospital for 4 1/2 days when I had my daughter. I had a Cesarean.

  14. 2 times

    1. to have my son

    2. to have my gal bladder out

    I am ok haven't been in six years

  15. yeah once

  16. yeah, i'm a janitor there, i Fu*kin clean all of your $hit !!!!!!

    Fu*k my job !!!!!

  17. When I was born and when my daughter was born.  That's it.  Knock on wood.

  18. 3 times....all when I was a kid. Once to have my tonsils out, once for asthma & bronchitis together, and once for asthma & pneumonia together.

  19. Yes. A few times just for a few hours in the ER...wasn't anything major.

    5 days in 2000 when I had my son via C-section.

    4 days in 2003 when I had my daughter via C-section.

  20. More times than I can count

    I have cerbal Palsy and need surgery to keep the spasm's in my legs under control

  21. Asthma attack and miscarriage, all good now :)

  22. Almost every day of my life.

  23. i was in hospital having my 4 kids.

  24. I have been in the hospital 23 times in the last three years. Why? I had bariatric surgery, the biggest mistake I ever made. I have been so sick every since I did that.  

  25. Few times...And thank you i'm doing ok :D

  26. numerous times for a cracked open head

    been hit by a car twice (once when i was 8 which was my fault and once when on was on my bycicle a car just turnt into me and trapped my leg)

    and when i was born =P

  27. i was in twice

    i had pneumonia when i was 5

    and i had my daughter a year ago

  28. yep, twice for strep/scarlet fever, twice for dog bites, and once because i was practically mauled by a dog (i know it falls into the dogbite catagory). and to think im only 17.

  29. surgery    gladder  bladder       herina      knot in  my tummy

  30. Just once besides being born.

    It was proctology surgery.

    Since then I can't hear the word ANAL without getting weak in the stomach.

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