
Have you ever been in public and heard someone boasting to others about how she's 79 but looks younger.....

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like 40 because she lives healthy and all that, BUT when you take one look at her you almost threw up your lunch and thought "jesus, what kind of mirror is SHE looking at??




  1. YES!  There was someone on tv the other day.  She's a 53 yo grandmother but works in the music industry booking gigs for bands.  So she tells them she is 35.

    Yeah she looked younger for her age but she didn't look 35.  But she thought she did b/c none of these bands were like You look way older than that.  You are in charge of their career--of course they won't say that.  The host of the show asked her if she had a mirror.

    Seriously--you never look 20 yrs younger and you sure as h**l don't look 40 years younger than you are.  These cougars think they are fooling young guys when they are in their 50s and tell a guy they are in the 40s.  If he is trying to sleep with you, he isn't going to say you look older.

    But hey--if the old woman enjoys her delusions than who are you to take them away from her?

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