
Have you ever been knocked out?

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How did it feel? Please describe how it felt. I have never been knocked out and am curious how it feels.




  1. i duno but i accidentally knocked my friend out with a plank.(we were building tree hut =)

  2. never been knocked out!

  3. I havent blacked out but I did get a concussion. I was trapped into a corner and my sparring partner threw a hook that slammed the back of my head.

    At first there was this ringing noise and I was dazed for about a minute. After the spar, for a while I felt like vomiting and sleeping. Fortunately it was a minor concussion.

  4. Never!

  5. I was sparring once and i got hit with a right hand. The whole room when white and i kept hearing this load ringing noise. I didnt fall over but my body fell into the ropes and my mouth piece fell out.

  6. its hard to explain but its kinda like a loopy feeling.  like when you just wake up in the middle of the night and you have no idea where you are.  also the pain kinda goes in and out in waves.

  7. my brother told me i was knocked unconcious. when we were kids, naturally, we wrestled. one morning, it was early and he was groggy to i thought, "heres my chance to tackle him!" i went for it but he grabbed me and threw me to the ground. to me, i was consious but down for about 3 minutes because the pain radiated to my stomach. he tells me that he was calling my name for about 10 minutes and i wasnt responding. i finally woke up and he told me about what happened. i had no recollection of being passed out. i argued with him for a minute that i was awake the whole time and only a few minutes had passed. he insisted i was out for a good 10 minutes. i still dont know what really happened. but my head hurt for days.  

    otherwise, i *almost* passed out after donating blood for the first time. i was fine getting off the bed and sat down slowly to drink and eat. as soon as i got the cap off the drink i got tunnel vision and nearly fell out of the chair. a few paramedics grabbed me and layed me down on the ground. it was like suddenly everything got really dark and what i was seeing in front of me instantly flew far away from where i was seeing it. if that makes sense.

  8. I've been knocked unconscious once. You don't really feel anything since you have no idea what really happened before. All you're left with is this wondering feeling trying to figure out where in the world you're at. I ended up with a welt on may face and a black eye but neither of those bothers me much. Next time  I'll get into a fight I promised to block my opponents punches with my gloves and not with my face. My only consolation is he ended up with red knuckles.

  9. not in a fight, but a car hit me and my head hit the pavement and i was knocked out cold with concussion.  dont remember being hit or anything from about 15 minutes before it happened.  i know i had a headache and wasnt mentally sharp for a bout a month after though.

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