
Have you ever been mentioned on the paper (newspaper) or on the news?

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if so, what happened and did you enjoy it?




  1. When I was eleven, myself and two friends one grand prize in a city wide talent show.

    It was amazing. All over the news and everything -- we were the youngest grand prize winners in the 34 years of the yearly talent show.

  2. My grandpa took me and my sister to the park one day when I was 10.  We decided to go paddle boating and noticed a guy was taking pics of us so my grandpa approached him and he was a doing a story on the wonderful weather we were having. Our pic was on the front page the next day... My mothers day poem was selected in 3rd grade to be printed in the paper...that was a nice gift for my mom that year :)

  3. Hmmmm, I went to watch the Childrens Miracle Network broadcasting three years in a row when I was little. (a fundraiser for the Sick kids hospitals in ontario). and All three years I was on it by chance. Each year i was so excited to go because i was so sure i'd be on it, and my parents thought i was hilarious.... but i was always right!!! Maybe the reason why I was one it was because I was a pale little kid with a huge scar down my front. That might have gotten me the attention, but I was always SO pumped. I'm also in some dutch documentary about my family, as well as the biography...And i'm sure i've been on the news before, but it just doesn't ring any bells...

  4. oh yeah multiple times watch CNN im the guy with the turban and im speaking gibberish

  5. How?

    Decode this lyrics " Upside down"

    If one still hang upside down.

    Blind as a bat.

    Still living in cave.

    In the twilight zone.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  6. I was charged with common assault when i was Seventeen ,

    being stupid I left the state ..

    10 years later I was visiting for a wedding . I was asked my name by a cop for some trivial reason..

    I had forgotten about the previous  charge.

    The next day there was a headline " Man caught by long are of the law 10 years later"

    All my friends relatives and mine saw the item and had a good chuckle..

    I got fined $100 for the assault..

    NO I did not enjoy it

  7. yep

    ws da student editor fr a day

    nt bad 2 b precise

  8. ......yes when I pass the licensure board exam for engineering name was there enlisted......lolz......I kept the newspaper in framed it.....lolz

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