
Have you ever been mistaken for a different race?

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I am white from russian descent but most people find that hard to believe because i have an olive skin tone, dark curly hair, dark eyes, and a "nice butt." people have asked me if i'm greek, persian, spanish, mexican, mixed, egyptian, turkish, brazilian, israeli and so many more. i've just been wondering what other people have been mistaken for...and also why do strangers feel the need to approach people like me just to ask this question lol




  1. I personally haven't, but my mother, who's half-Italian, has been mistaken for hispanic.  I think I have enough Irish from my dad's side though that my skin tone isn't quite as dark as hers.  A little olive toned and my natural hair color is very dark brown, but it's not at the same level as my mother.

  2. No personally I have not experience being confused for another race. I've been mistaken in my ethnicity like a lot of people say I look German. Some people are just ignorant and don't know not all Russian have blonde hair and blue eyes. The majority of Russians(from Russia) that I've met in my community have brown hair and brown eyes.  

  3. I've Been Mistaken For Puerto Rican, Colombian, Filipino, Chinese, Hawaiian, Indian, A Mix Of Spanish And Asian

    But I'm Full 100% Laotian  

  4. I once asked a customer to take a guess when she asked me where I'm from.

    She said Spanish, then Greek, then Italian, then gave up when after each I told her she was wrong.

    When I eventually told her I'm Persian, she didn't believe me and walked out of the store screaming like a mad-woman that I was lying!


  5. When I was a baby several people thought I was Hispanic. But now there's no denying that I'm an average white mutt (blue eyes, pale skin that kind of thing).

    However, even my close friend of 12 years thought my dad was Hispanic until last year when she finally asked. She was a little embarrassed so say the least, but a lot of people mistake him for being Hispanic.

  6. People ask me if I'm Jewish a lot because of my hair type and nose shape. But I'm not.  

  7. Mistaken with a Brazilian model.

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