
Have you ever been on a ship,in a storm?

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saw this on you tube

it makes me sick to look at.




  1. Yes I was on a boat bigger than that in a storm exactly like fact it brings back all the memories....and never again! When I got off the boat, I vowed never to get a boat again and stay on land - but it never happened cos I was on an island and couldn't stay have been on many since!

    But the experience when you're in a storm like that is quite terrifying!

  2. oh yeah. I was in the Navy back in the eighties. I was  aboard a guide missile cruiser  and regular thunderstorms are bad enough but we actually went thru a hurricane. It sucked beyond belief. The waves were so intense that the bow(front end) of the ship would literally come out of the water and then slam down hard. That is what is called pitch (up and down motion, the term roll is used for side to side motion).Anyway

    seasoned sailors found themselves getting sea sick. Seasickness is God awful. It was a full blown pukefest. The following day after the storm  the wind was still strong and the waves very high. A ship sailing with us had a sailor washed overboard. We never found him. Storms at sea are not a joke.

  3. Oh yeah, I was in a beauty of a storm on a ferry crossing to Ireland in the early 1980s. That was the longest three and a half hours of my life - I was one of the few people who wasn't seasick, but the smell was awful! The ships they used then were only about 3500 tons - a lot smaller than the Ulysses which does the run now and is the world's largest ferry at 50,000 tons, or the 20,000 ton catamarans like the Stena Voyager.

  4. I was on a catamaran crossing the channel once in gail force winds - not a plesant experience. the boat was rocking severly and there were loads of people being sick. As i dont get sea sick i thought it was quite amusing!

    not that i would do it again though

  5. yes, my first time abroad, when i was 12, going to France.,

    the ferry was nearly cancelled the sea was so rough

    nearly every toilet & sink was blocked with sick

    only 3 of us from the coach had strong enough stomachs was fantasic!

  6. I was on a big cruise ship in a mild storm.It still rocked the boat like it was a toy.

  7. No. But once we were about to take off in a plane and there was a storm. We still took off. I was so scared during the whole flight.

  8. Yes, in the Aegean Sea.  They grounded shipping but it still took a couple of hours to get into the nearest port.  It was a 7 storey boat but the waves were still crashing over the top.  It wasn't safe enough to walk around the boat.  People were so sick they were lying all over the floors in their own vomit in a semi-comatose state just groaning with their heads lolling from side to side and no-one to help them.  It was gross!

  9. Yeah both.  I used to live on a boat when I was a baby.  Always been around the sea.

  10. Yes - so bad all the bottles of alcohol were sliding around and flying off the bar.  Everyone screaming except one drunk hanging onto the bar who couldn't stop laughing.  The more people screamed, the more water came through the ceiling, the more uncontrollable his laughter. He made it worthwhile.

  11. when i was on Seine net boats up north of Scotland,we used to have some beauts in the weather,one minute up the next down high left and right comming into port was good after a few days at sea...............

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