
Have you ever been on holiday alone?

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I'm thinking of getting a job (I'm 15, it's not because I'm lazy that I don't have one :P) in a month or 2 so I can save for a trip to Japan to be there in a years time. The thing is, I don't know anybody else who wants to go. I wondered what your experiences are if you've been on holiday alone. Did you enjoy it?




  1. I have never been that far away from home alone. That said, the holidays I have been alone were quite fun. I could do as I pleased, see what I wanted, eat where I want and made some nice new friends.

    If not sure, you might want to try a holiday alone nearer home first. Scotland, Ireland, see how you like it.

    I admire your ambition planning on working for your holiday. Good on you.

  2. iv done it down the east coast of africa , (3)months ,and loved it ,  

  3. I am not at all sure that you would get a visa for Japan as a lone traveller of just sixteen but in my own experience it is far better to have a companion with you when you travel..someone to look out for you and vice  versa, and someone to share the experiences with.Why not try advertising for a travel-companion..not on line,but in your local church and school..someone with similar interests to your own and of similar age who is as serious as you are about it? For a first journey of this sort I would prefer a place where people around me spoke the same language I do...and I am sure that your family would be happier if you were in Canada or New Zealand than someplace where you might have difficulty being understood in an emergency and where your lack of cultural knowledge could get you into trouble. This might seem a bit unadventurous to you right now but serious travellers build up experience and confidence over a period of years and enjoy each trip more than the last as a result but without any trip being spoiled by too much ignorance.

    In any case, have fun and do plenty of research, especially into customs and prices..and make sure that you have good travel insurance.

  4. Hey

    Travelling abroad alone especially so far when your still not an adult isn't something i'd recommend. I've travelled with friend and part of the time alone and was much happier with my mates. As for not having anyone to go with, I'm guessing your mates are busy with college or finding jobs? you should do the same. Its virtually impossible to save up for a big trip like that on minimum wage. Wait a few years by then you should comfortably have the money and hopefully have someone to go with. Trust me it'll be worth the wait, you'll have a much better time than if you do manage to go on your own. I hope you have a great trip.


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