
Have you ever been on tv?

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Have you ever been on tv?




  1. No

  2. Yep, back when I was a kid, but Mom caught me up there and made me get off.

  3. I was on Pete McTees Playhouse when I was in Girl Scouts!

  4. Yes, in commercials, TV and film as a principal actor/character. I'm really quite a fine, gifted talent if I say so myself. I'm available too.......

    Acting/writing is the most fun ever.

  5. a karate commercial hi-ya!

  6. My whole class (1st grade?) was in a commercial for a local pizza restaurant. I was so shy that I kept trying to hide behind other people while they were filming! I was on for a second though.

  7. Yes. Apparently I gave a coherent interview, but I never got to see it. And I was so nervous during the interview that I can't remember what I said.

    Another time I was on TV in the background when a streaker went past. I didn't actually see the streaker, but my friends say I had this big smile on my face. I got a reputation for being a pervert, and I didn't even see the action...

  8. Yes, for a commercial for the Party image. I was really suprised when they told me I was in it. I didn't even know until someone saw me on TV. But I have been getting recognized very often.

  9. I was seen on Jimmy Kimmel and on the news because of stupid reporters getting information out of us from  our school shooting a while back.

  10. Yes, back in '98' on wide world of sports, winning the little a's nsw state title for x-country running

  11. yes

  12. if being in the background of news broadcasts and a commercial with gordie tupper, then yes.

    u know that stupid guy in behind the newscasters with the shades shouting "hi mom!" ?

    thats me

    lol jk i was at least 7, and plus im a girl. im just bored =)

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