
Have you ever been paantsed?

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If so, were you embarrassed? Did your face turn red? When did it happen? What kind of undies were you wearing?

I was pantsed twice in 9th grade. Once was when I was in the hallway at my locker and my friend came over and pantsed me. The most embarrassing part was that my underwear said "Love Pink" on the butt and this guy who saw it happen said "you must really love pink since your face is bright pink.

The other time was when I was walking outside of school and my friend pantsed me in front of everyone. That was even more embarrassing than the first one since I was wearing a thong!




  1. I was pantsed several times from elementary school through high school. The first time I remember I was very embarrassed and I know my face turned really red. It was picture day in 4th or 5th grade and we were lined up going out to the playground. A boy a couple of people in front of me lifted this girl's skirt exposing her panties to everyone behind her. She whirled around yanking her skirt down as everyone was laughing. Then I saw her looking at me like she could kill me. The boy who did it was pointing at me and she was sure I had done it. She started for me and I don't know why but I ran.

    She chased me to the big sliding board and as I started to climb the ladder she grabbed me by the waist and pulled me down. Now a bunch of the kids had gathered around us. She spun me around and yelled in my face, "SEE HOW YOU LIKE IT!" Then she quickly unsnapped and unzipped my shorts which she yanked down to my ankles. I was stunned standing there in my tighty whities as they all laughed. The teacher got there as I was pulling up my shorts and dispersed everyone but it was too late I was the laughing stock.

  2. im a 14 year old teen and my mate pantsed me when i was having a pee in the field, so i had a nice big f**t on him ahhhhhhh, he wont pantse me again

  3. im a 14 year old teen boy, i was playing football with my teen boy mates, who are the same age as me, anyway i scored a goal and i jumped up, when my mate behind me pulled down my football shorts, everyone could see my tight bright blue boxers, with a nice big boner, great, (sarcastically), everytime we played football my mates pull down there shorts and try to take the mick out of me

  4. Oh yeah, I've been pantsed many times before. The worst was probably when I was high school. Back in high school I had a female friend named Trisha. We were good friends and we lied hanging out with each other since middle school. Pantsing was a regular event between the two of us. I was in gym class and I was talking to one of hottest girls in the school, Ashley. I had talked to her before, but only briefly. So, this was probably the most talking we had done up to that point. As I was talking to her Trisha had snuck up on me, probably noticing I was talking to a girl who I had a crush on, and grabbed the bottom of my gym shorts and pulled them down. At first, I tried acting cool figuring that I was wearing boxers. However, my mom was doing the laundry that day. So instead I was wearing tight bright red boxer briefs. Yeah, I was really embarrassed. I was probably a little red in the face. Either way, I ended up being decent friends with Ashley. I figure me standing infront of her with my pants down, wearing boxer briefs must've broke the ice. Granted, I don't recommend this as an ice breaker.

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