
Have you ever been pantsed?

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If so, were you embarrassed? Did your face turn red? When did it happen? What kind of undies were you wearing?

I was pantsed twice in 9th grade. Once was when I was in the hallway at my locker and my friend came over and pantsed me. The most embarrassing part was that my underwear said "Love Pink" on the butt and this guy who saw it happen said "you must really love pink since your face is bright pink.

The other time was when I was walking outside of school and my friend pantsed me in front of everyone. That was even more embarrassing than the first one since I was wearing a thong!




  1. trust me you don't want to


  3. I havent got pansed yet

  4. im a 14 year old boy and i got pantsed by my mate when we was playing rugby, i went red as the teacher and other boys were there, then a bit later i got pantsed again so i got pantsed 2 TIMES IN ONE DAY !!!!!!!!!, it was embarrising . Now when everyone sees me they pull down their trowsers and hit their butt. so now i just get used to it because now boys in my class have seen my butt and bulge

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