
Have you ever been paris??

by Guest32879  |  earlier

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If yh, please do help me!!

I and 4 friends have surfed the net and found a 3star hotel and a cheap flight, we are leaving the 27th july.

We are all 16yrs old. What stuff can we do? how much will it cost?

spending money ?? how much?? We are buying our own food and everything?

shops?? isv there any ?/ and disneyland? expensive??

just general stuff to do THAT ISNT BORING MUSEUMS

no adults going, first trip abroad on our own (not inc. school trips)

we will probably go for 4nights/7nights..


what did u think ??

what 2 look out for... bad and good...

theme parks water parks ?? any recomendations ?

places to eat ?? arte there cafes....

do they speak good english ?

thanks :D




  1. Hello. I live in Paris.

    Paris is fantastic but Expensive. Shopping, Eating, have fun, you find everything you want.

    Good choice to travel. Just be carefull, you will be not admitted in clubs!!!

    Have fun.

    PS: Yes we speak english, but try to speak a little french, it's really appreciating, and be cool but well dressed.

  2. First- be sure to approach anyone in French. They will know you are American immediately and switch to English. Also, buy your metro tickets before you leave the states. As for eating- most every restaurant will have their menu with prices in the window. Maybe your hotels will have Continental breakfasts? If not- do a cafe and just get a crouissant or something. For lunch, try just having somehing from a creperie. There are stands all over the place. While exploring, just keep eyes open for menus to consider for dinner. Latin Quarter is not too expensive as it is mostly students. You'll find the younger crown here, so it's a great desination for you. Don't want boring museums? Then do something neat like the Catacombs! Passez un bon vacances!

  3. I notice that you are from the UK. So, as to costs, you will find that Paris is cheaper than London and no more expensive generally than a major British city.

    However, in one respect, which may or may not be important to you, the cost of drink, it tends to be more expensive. You can, by the way, legally buy beer and wine in France at age 16 (in case you didn't know that).

    Disneyland is a complete waste of time and expensive. Admission is  47€ (35 £)

    Clubs in Paris open late by British standards but many stay open until the sun comes up. Be careful tho because the principle transport system shuts down around midnight and the system of night buses is somewhat limited and can be confusing to a first time visitor who doesn't speak French.

    Generally, you will find that most people in the hospitality industry, hoteliers, barman, waiters, etc, speak at least some English. Frenchmen are more likely to speak English than Brits are likely to speak French.

    Do yourself a favor. If you don't care about art and culture then, fine, that's your choice. But if you go anyplace and tell people that art is "boring" they are going to think you are an ignorant little Philistine. The image of all Brits as binge drinking yobs is bad enough already. Don't make it worse.

    EDIT: I'm not offended, just concerned. If you do like art and culture then why worry about what your mates think?  People who try to limit your horizons aren't worth having as friends.

    Where will you be staying? There are so many places to eat, drink and hang out that I have to know what part of the city you will be in to give you any sensible suggestions.

  4. Paris is very expensive. I suggest that you guys go to the supermarket and buy some stuff to eat, because restaurants are expensive.

    I was there last summer and I couldn't get enough of the QUARTIER LATIN. A neighborhood near the Cathedral of Notre Dame. A lot of tourists go there and there are a plenty of restaurants and souvenir shops.

    The museums are not boring at all, especially the Louvre. If you don't want to go inside at least go there at night and take a picture in front of the pyramid. It's an iconic place in Paris and a must. People is going to ask you if you went there :P

    I didn't go to Disneyland because it was outside our metro lines :( I'm not sure, I think it is somewhere around 40-50 euros. Umm,  what else, I took $1,000 free to spend and spent it all... you're going to want to buy everything...

  5. I lived in France for a semester and visited Paris twice.  Don't go to Disneyland - don't go all the way to France to play in a water park.  You're 16, but when you're 30 and working, wishing you could hop a plane to France, it isn't going to be to visit a water park.  If you do spend the whole trip at amusement and water parks, at least go to the Louvre and the Eiffer Tower.  You'll be glad you did when you're older (and I hated it when I was young and people said that to me, but it's totally true).  Don't speak English at the top of your lungs.  It's polite to ask if THEY speak English first, rather than just asking a question in English and assuming they understand.  There are cafes everywhere.   You will have a blast.  I wish I was 16 and hanging out in Paris for a week with my friends!

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