
Have you ever been persecuted bcos of your Faith?

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  1. Not really.

    A few years ago though i did have some people who appeared to be Muslim come up in a mall and ask me at random my name. I told them David. Then they asked if i was Christian or Jewish in a very strange manner. I told them Christian. It really was odd-i dont know what it was about but it made me feel uneasy.  

  2. Hi Faith

    I often enlighten folk with my faith, without detail it embraces nature and it's intelligence. I enjoy my beliefs, it's taken me a while to find what I believe in and it's a mixed bag of nuts really

  3. i dont think they do that anymore

  4. When I was young, being Catholic was considered not quite within polite society, and there were certain firms (Scottish Amicable for one) where you knew it was pointless applying for a job.  But I grew up tough, and was never the type of person you'd pick on if you were in the persecuting business.

  5. Nice play on words, Faith!

    It's sad to think that kind of thing happens. I'm not religious at all, but I still have beliefs and I wouldn't expect people to target me or anyone else because their beliefs happened to be different from someone else's.

  6. No I haven't but then again I don't have any faith it was knocked out of me many years ago, I am happy to be an atheist.

  7. I'm an atheist,and Christians always want to pass judgement.The funny thing is,I worked for 11 years amongst Muslims and have had Muslim neighbours,and they were more tolerant in my personal choice.

  8. Hi, saw the article. First off to answer your question - not really no.

    Secondly I think its sad what those people tried to do to the Christian Indians.

    I see that Christians do alot of work for God and other people through Church, outside, people, TV, Salvation army the list is endless. Thats really great but they still get 'bashed' about it. Atheists tend to do the most bashing whilst muslims and jews are kind to Chrsitains -no surprise there.

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