
Have you ever been prescribed Risperidone?

by Guest59671  |  earlier

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What are the side effects of this drug? I am currently taking it and think it is causing me to be drowsy.




  1. i take it.  it's the generic of risperdal, an anti-depressant.  i take it as part of my drug combo as is used to aid in sleep.  it should be taken at bedtime.  when i started, it was doing 2 mg a day and couldn't keep my eyes open so we dropped down to 1 mg a day.  i was better but still struggled to wake up in the morning.  we cut it again to .5 mg and it works perfect.  when taken at bedtime, it will cause you to get sleepy and will help you stay asleep.  make sure you can devote at least 6-7 hours of uniterrupted sleep.  

  2. it made me drowsy and didn't work for me so i went of it, try getting on another anti psychotic

  3. I was in a funk when I took it. My wife called my name 5 times while I was watching TV and I didn't acknowledge her. It was like I heard my name but my mind wouldn't do anything about it and I wasn't even paying attention to the TV either.

    I asked the psych to take me off it. I didn't like that I talked to the psychiatrist for only an hour and all of the sudden he prescribe this drug to me. Shouldn't there be tests or something?

  4. I have. It wasn't only drowsiness for me. I was clumsy. I couldn't even walk straight and I was bumping into things. To me, it was almost like taking drunkness in pill form. And no, it's probably not as fun as it sounds.

    But anyways, that's just the reaction I had personally.

  5. Risperidone gave me akathisia ( a hellish inner restlessness where you can't sit still for 2 seconds like been tortured from the inside). I had to be prescribed valium which had a negligible effect. The doctor said to increase the dose when I told him. I told him where to get off and stopped it after a couple of days

  6. Yes and that is one of the side effects. Normally this is only subscribed for a short period of time and normally only to a more elderly person.

    I asked to be taken off of it after 2 weeks as I could not be doing with feeling constantly tired.

    I hope you will soon be feeling better.

  7. its not uncommon 4 this side effect but look at the link below 4 more information

  8. Yep, I've taken it and yes it can definitely make you drowsy. One of the main effects seeing as it is meant to calm you down.  

  9. although it's an anti-psychotic it's also a sedative. i definitely sleep more since taking it but the drowsiness during the day definitely subsided after the first few weeks. If after a month your still really drowsy i would ask to try a different med.

  10. The main side effects really are drowsiness and calming you down. You will probably experience them and it's normal so don't worry.

  11. I am currently taking risperdal, an anti psychotic, which gives me some pretty bad side effects like drowsiness, restlessness in my hands and legs when I'm trying to sleep, and weight gain. I feel drowsy in the morning sometimes as I take it before I go to bed. I guess if it's causing you trouble you should talk to your pdoc and get something else.  

  12. Its common to feel very sedated from it.....that best describes how i would feel.  I took it at night to calm down bad manic episodes so i could sleep.  Would feel very sedated till afternoon the next day......cant imagine taking it in the morning

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