
Have you ever been pulled over for speeding?

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Have you ever been pulled over for speeding?





  2. many a time, why i remember like it was yesterday, i was smokin a dubbie minding my own buissness when a statie showed up behind me blaring his sirin and lights at me i was like d**n so i threw it out and stoped, he comes up and says sir  i pulled you over cause u have burnt out light i says ok then he says sir are u aware it smells like marajowana in here i says yes sir, he said can u step out here im gonna give u a warning for the light can i search the car i says yes sir. little did he know i dont travel with any mo than you can swallo so i was in the clear. he searched and found nothing so he said have a good night. ah the memorize good time good times.

  3. Are you kidding? Yes. several times over the 32 years I've been driving.

  4. yup...ive gotten 3 speeding tickets since ive been 16 (12 years...not SO bad i guess :) )

  5. Yes, I was eating Thickomints at the time.

  6. yes a month ago for going 63 in  45 and my ticket is 140 and the next day i purchased a radar detector which has saved me more than a cats nine lives

  7. Yep

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