
Have you ever been quarantined in your Cabin because of Norwalk Virus. My wife and I were 5/7 days.?

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Did the cruiseline do anything for compensation? We were on Norwegian. FYI, Travel Insurance does not cover as trip wasn't cancelled/interupted.




  1. On a singles cruise i ran, we had two people quarentined--it really was awful! Depending on what kind of travel insurance you have --CSA actually does cover it, but I dont know what you had.. I would call NCL and talk to customer relations to see if you can get a future cruise credit, as I know they wont refund you any money. Good Luckl!

  2. That happened to me and my wife on the Celebrity Mercury on a cruise to the Mexican Riveria.  

    I contracted Norwalk virus and it was terrible (as you well know) but recovered in a day or two.  My wife was quarantined in the cabin for 24 hours and I was for 48 hours.  It was while the ship was at sea so it was not like we missed a whole lot - but still very unpleasant.

    The whole ship was in a quarantine mode.  Stewards were scrubbing every surface with bleach.  The smell of bleach was everywhere and people were ruining clothing by accidently brushing up against the wet bleach.  Food service was affected, bar service was almost non-existent, and tempers among passengers were nasty.

    Celebrity did give a 50% certificate on a future sailing to everyone on board plus those who were quarantined received an extra dollar amount on the future sailing based upon the price paid on the Mexican cruise multiplied by the number of days quarantined.  Of course, they also paid in full for any ruined clothing provided you had reported it and filled out a claim form.  Our next cruise cost almost NOTHING and was wonderful.

    Celebrity responded in a positive way.  It is more upscale than Norwegian.  Hope you get some compensation.

  3. we met some people this past spring on the Norweigan Pearl that we were sailing that had the Norwalk Virus.   They had been quaranteed to the cabin.   They gave the people sick 100.00 credit for future sailing.   They also charged them for pills and doctor visit in the infirmary !   Other couple we met ,  did not report they were sick and got of the ship to get treatment in one of the ports.    The ship went into major cleaning. they stopped letting anyone touch any food in the buffets, etc.  everyone wore gloves and they served us the food. there were no salt / pepper shakers on table . you had to ask for packets of stuff you needed.  they made all the drinks for you.   they kept announcing that we needed to use the hand santitizer and the public rooms kept getting shut down so that they could get in there are sanitize them.    i started eating like i was in a third world country.   we never got sick ... thank god.   i think you should talk to them about it .  i think you should get a repeat cruise for free.   you are losing your vacation time and the air tickets already.   and you have given up a piece of your health.   yes you made full recovery but the issue is you have put your body through something that it didn't need to go through and your body can only do that so many times for you.  when you need it towork for you in 20 years ... will it be as effective ?   i don't think they can put a number on it . but for those reasons, i feel you should be compensated a cruise for free someplace else they cruise (assuming you want to cruise on them again).  otherwise .. i think you should have a full refund for this cruise.

  4. Actually you may want to contact a lawyer and have the Lawyer contact the cruise line. It is most likely you contracted the virus on board the ship which should make them liable. They are unlikely to want to fight this, however If you call yourself they will probably offer a token settlement to make you go away.

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