
Have you ever been robbed before?

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this guy that claimed he worked for verizon came to my door. my mother told him she's not interested in the new "fios" or whatever it is he's trying to offer. this was at 5:30 pm. so he said okay and he left.

now its 8:24 pm, and theres a bench across the street from my house. this man's sitting, as if he's waiting for something. he has been there since 5:30, right infront of my house. a car stopped by infront of him, he spoke to the man in the car, and the car left. then a white van passed my house from the left direction. then the right direction. then the left again. the same van.

and hes still waiting there. i believe hes going to try to break in my house or he has a setup of a bunch of people, ready to rob me. for the past 2 and a half hours ive been clutching this big butcher knife from the kitchen. thats my only form of self defense and im tryin to keep my mother safe. im gonna get another 1 just incase. my adreneline is rushing so hard that i can barely speak. but im gonna defend myself and my family @ all costs.

what would u do in a situation like this? have u been robbed before? i need sum1 that can relate with me someone that can share this feeling... hours have passed and i feel like killin time by comin here...




  1. yeah when i used to live in a black neirburhood

  2. Verizon doesn't come door to door.  You're being staked out, so you need to call the police right now.  I'd also take a picture of the guy with my phone, if I could.  

  3. Everyone's been robbed at least once before. A pretty S****y feeling but something I haven't experienced in many years....

    But yo call the cops. If they have guns, you're knife won't stand a chance

  4. If I were you, I would phone up the local police station, tell them there's a weirdo hanging outside your house, and ask them to drop by.

    They'll take care of it for you.

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